Community Club Meetings & Minutes

January 14, 2016 Regular Meeting & Potluck

Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod at 5:11 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bud Rubeck, President & julie, Ace Griffaw, Vice President & Joan, Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer, Pat Dudley, Lynne Rice, Carl & Jean Kubley, John Cannon, Tom Dezotell, and Mike, Inga & Andy Campbell.
Secretary Report: Minutes of the December 10th meeting read. Moved and seconded by John Cannon and Lynne Rice and approved by all.

Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account balance 12/10/15 $ 5,255.29
Individuals ( 7) $ 70.00
Family (11) $ 275.00
Donations (08) $ 250.00
Camp Fire Island (10/09/15) $ 30.00
Bayfield Electric (11/1/15-12/01/15) $ 110.42
Bayfield Electric (12/1/15-12/31/15) $ 87.88
Andre Rasmussen (Septic concern) $ 839.74
West Bend (endorsements) $ 203.00
Clubhouse $113k to $155k
Station 2 $ 54.9 to $ 65k
Advanced Printing $ 29.01

Checking account balance 01/14/16 $ 4,610.24

General Fund $ 2,159.05
Building Fund $ 2,451.19
Scholarship Fund $ 8,914.09
The report was moved and seconded by Pat Dudley and Julie Rubeck and approved by all.

Old Business:
Outreach Program. Cards were sent to Bunny Fischer (nephew), Dan Allen (father), Pat Dudley and Bev Vadnais.
Membership renewalsl have been mailed.

New Business:
We have been advised our insurance does not cover club for fireworks. Bud and Bill will report back with possible solutions to continue tradition.
It was approved not to insure AED for loss. Moved by John Cannon seconded by Pat Dudley.

Bud together with Rasmussen Plumbing have determined present furnace needs to be replaced. Bud stated new one with a/c capabilities will be installed before February meeting. All agreed.

A plaque to honor the McFaddens for their generous donation of the Park land to the community will be purchased and installed in the near future.

There being no further business to conduct Bud Rubeck and Joan Griffaw moved to adjourn at 5:35 pm and all agreed.

Respectfully submitted by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer.