Community Club Meetings & Minutes

June 8, 2017
Regular Meeting & Potluck

Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod at 5:02 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bud Rubeck, President & Julie, Ace Griffaw, Vice President & Joan, Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer, Pat Dudley, Andrea Krygoski, Lynne Rice, Brian Bowman, Jan Sharp, Jerry & Lea Justice, Tom Dezotell, Cher Cofrin and Carol Plotkowski.

Minutes of the May 11th meeting were read and moved to accept by Bud Rubeck and seconded by Andrea Krygoski. Motion called.

Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account balance May 11, 2017 $ 7,582.20
Individual $. 20.00
Family $ 25.00
Fireworks $ 535.00
Donation $ 15.00
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (Kiosk) $ 500.00
Bayfield Electric (thru 5/01/17) $ 93.36
Spielbauer Fireworks Co., Inc. $ 2,160.00
Town of Gordon (7/1/17 Class B) $ 5.00
Elk Country ATV Cub $ 25.00
West Fork Waterway Assoc., Inc.(17-18) $ 50.00
Checking account balance June 8, 2017 $ 6,343.84
Scholarship Fund $ 9,407.98
Motion to accept the report by Lea Justice seconded by Joan Griffaw. Motion carried.

Old Business:
Andrea reported three outreach cards sent.
Bud reported new doors received and will be installed shortly.
Fireworks July 1st:

Lea & Jerry Justice, Jan Sharp & Brian Bowman will prepare BBQ and run the food & beverage shack with help from Greg Ralph. Joan and Lea are looking into alternatives for selling popcorn. Bud, Doug McDougall and Ace will be in charge of the fireworks. Bill and Ace will stock the pop and beer. Food concession will be open by 8:00 pm.

New Business:

Lynne reported the 2017 Clam Lake Community Scholarship was awarded to Ashley Pankratz of Glidden. She is the daughter of Chad and Tina Pankratz.

Bill reminded attendees of the public June 17th Annual Meeting of the West Fork Waterway Association, Inc at clubhouse at 10:00 am. There is a picnic planned for all after the meeting.

There being no new or further business to conduct it was moved by Andrea to adjourn and seconded by Pat at 5:25 pm. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer.