Community Club Meetings & Minutes

September 8, 2016
Regular Meeting & Potluck

Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod at 5:12 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bud Rubeck, President & Julie, Ace Griffaw, Vice President & Joan, Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer, Lynne Rice, Dave Holter, Pat Dudley, Andrea Krygoski, Len & Joy Heinlein, Cheryl Cofrin, Jerry & Lea Justice, and Tom Dezotell.

Minutes of the July 14th meeting were read. Moved to accept by Andrea Krygoski , seconded by Joan Griffaw. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account balance 7/14/16 $ 5,528.24
Family $ 25.00
Fire Island Book $ 60.00
Bayfield Electric Coop (thru 8/30) $ 114.09
Chip Forsberl (stump grinding) $ 135.00
West Bend Mutual Insurance Company $ 2,078.00
Clubhouse $ 161,200
Garage $ 67,600
Shed $ 7,000
Checking account balance 09/8/16 $ 3,286.15
Scholarship Fund $ 9,915.52
1st advance Kylan Stoiber -500.00
$ 9,415.52
Motion to accept by Joan Griffaw, seconded by Pat Dudley. Motion carried.

Old Business:
There were no Outreach cards sent this month.
Lynne Rice reported on the progress of the Glidden Museum.
Bill reported on the August Potluck 75th Clubhouse Anniversary attended by 21 members as a great success.

New Business:
Bill presented a slate for next year’s officers: Bud Rubeck, President; Ace Griffaw, Vice President, Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer. Two directors: Patricia Dudley and Andrea Krygoski. There were no further nominations and the slate was unanimously accepted as presented.
The Community Club will be renting a post office box for all correspondence to insure orderly maintenance.
John Dumholt requested permission to purchase a memorial plaque for his father, Paul H. Dumholt, to be added to the kiosk for the current fee of $150.00. Permission granted.

Pat Dudley requested use of the clubhouse for a family reunion on October 8th and Bill said he would obtain the Use Permit agreement.

Bill reminded attendees of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Bugle Day dinner picnic this Saturday, 5:00 – 9:00 pm.

Bill suggested the slate blackboard presently in the shed be given to the Glidden Museum as it has outlasted it use for the club. A large plate of slate presently in the ladies restroom could be cut to fit the shed for advertising sales. Lynne Rice said she would see if there was any interest by the museum committee and further stated the blackboard was from Mason.

Lea Justice asked if the tiles in the ladies restroom could be replaced. She said she would be glad to remove them. Len Heinlein volunteered help and it was brought up the mens restroom was in the same condition. Lea will report back to the club.

There being no further business to discuss it was moved by Andrea Krygoski to adjourn and seconded by Cheryl Cofrin at 5:48 pm. Motioned carried.

Respectfully submitted by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer.