Clam Lake Remembers

On the 11th of June 2015, a Memorial Stone was unveiled on the Clam Lake Community Club grounds in remembrance of Howard and Hazel Scotford.

Howard and Hazel owned and operated Camp Fire Island Resort, located on Upper Clam Lake, from 1912 to 1936.


Clam Lake Community Dance

After taking a bit of a break, I am once again returning to my historical snippets. I will jump around a bit, revisiting things from old Community Club records and correspondence that detail the events that were taking place in Clam Lake during various eras.


Camp Fire Island

In this last snippet on Camp Fire Island, I am including the cover from the 1914 season brochure for Camp. Pictured is Hazel (Taylor) Scotford, Howard’s wife, with a prize muskie. She was one of the Glidden Glamour Girls of 1908. This brochure tells how to set up arrangements for traveling to the Island and a map of the area at the time, including the train tracks coming from Grandview.
