Hello Clam Lake!
First of all, Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! I hope it is a day full of flowers, candied hearts, chocolate or whatever one’s heart desires.
Well, January has come and gone with very little added snow accumulation. Due to that, the normal constant hum of snowmobiles has been mostly silent. It’s been two very quiet years in that regard. So far, anyway. I know the local establishments are wishing for more snow to boost business. Maybe February will see a change in that regard. At least the ice fishing has been good.
Of course, winter DID make an appearance as January saw us experiencing the “delights” of a polar vortex for a few days with temperatures plummeting to nearly, if not, -30 degrees. We were all glad to see the back end of that one!
Now onto February’s highlights:
BOOK CLUB – The Clam Lake Book Club will meet on Tuesday, February 11th, at Lisa’s cabin running from 2:30 to 3:30. The book being discusssed will be “Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker” by Jennifer Chiaverini. It details the special friendship that developed between Mary Todd Lincoln and Elizabeth Keckley a former slave whom moved north to start a dress making business with Mary as one of her foremost clients. She spent years in the White House during the tumultous years of the Civil War and the Lincoln presidency right up until his untimely death. If planning to attend, you can contact Lisa at Lisaspeifer@gmail.com for directions. (As a heads up, the book chosen for March is “The Plot” by Jean Hanff Korelitz.)
COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING – The Clam Lake Community Club will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday February 13th starting at 5:00 pm. After the meeting, there will be a Pot Luck followed by some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw. January’s meeting was short as two of our officers were ill with a few regular attendees also being absent due to illness. With so many illnesses floating around and us, being a community of mainly seniors, we thank all those that choose to stay way if they aren’t feeling well. Remember, if you have “just a cold” it may not turn out to be “just a cold” for someone else. Thank you!
SPEAKING OF – The Community Club’s annual letter has gone out. We thank all those that continue to support Clam Lake’s only civic organization as we enter our 88th year of operation. The Community Club has been an active civic organzation for 8 decades being a part of everything from soup to nuts regarding the welfare of the community. If you are not a member please consider becoming one. Dues are $10 for a single membership and $25 for a family membership. They can be sent to Clam Lake Community Club, Box 6, Clam Lake, WI 54517. We say welcome and thank you!
MEAT RAFFLE – The Clam Lake Forest Riders Snowmobile Club will be hosting a meat raffle at Ransoms Place on Saturday, February 15th running from 3:00 to 5:00. Time to come out and support this hard working club, have a good time and win some delicious meat into the bargain. Remember all meats come from Rondeaus of Cable.
REMINDER – If out and about sightseeing please be on the look out for “No Trespassing” or “Private Road” signs. Crossing these and venturing onto private property without permission is a Class A misdemeanor and could lead to possible jail time and/or fines. It is your responsibility to be watching out for these signs. Remember, trail cams are often in place watching for violators.
HISTORY MOMENT – THE CLAM LAKE POST OFFICE – Clam Lake officially became a place when we obtained a Post Office in 1928. Before that time mail intended for the people of Clam Lake was either sent to Glidden or Grandview with it coming out via train (Grandview) or horse and wagon (Glidden). A notice for applications for a postmaster position at West Fork (Clam Lake) were posted in the Glidden Post Office as early as May of 1926 with Howard Scotford (our founder and owner of Camp Fire Island Resort) becoming our first Post Master in November of 1928. Since there was no official Post Office building at that time Howard took care of the mail in the Clam Lake Mercantile Store. Soon after that, the Edward Hines Lumber Company office was moved into town and became our first Post Office building. Today it is known as the Northen Post Gift Store. Howard remained our Post Master until 1950 when his son Taylor Scotford took over. The larger storage area of the building was then converted into living quarters where Taylor lived with his wife and young son. In early photos of the building a portion of this area is shown to have shed doors on the outside. Taylor held this position until 1956. Following him, Dolores (Dodo) Dumanch took over the job living in the adjacent living quarters with her two daughters. In the 1970’s, Dodo decided to build a home down the road on property next to her mother’s (Ann Rast) on the river. The Post Office moved with her and was located in the front of her home. Today it is known as the Pony Express rental. Dodo was our longest serving Post Master with a record 50 years of Post Mastering to her credit. When she retired, Jean Kubley of Glidden, took on the job. After her, there were a series of Post Master Assistants who worked in the office. After them, Kendra Crom of Glidden became our Post Master. During her tenure, the Clam Lake Post Office once again relocated to where it is today becoming part of the Clam Lake Junction. Connie Schloer of Butternut is our current Post Master. We are fortunate to have our Post Office since so many small town offices have been closed. That would be a very unfortunate event for those of us living in the remote town of Clam. So, remember when picking up or dropping off mail, to express gratitude for the service that was established so many years before and we are so fortunate to have.
Until next month…..
Pictured is the first Clam Lake Post Office as it looked in the early 1930’s with Post Master Howard Scotford standing in the doorway. (Notice the road is not paved yet – that didn’t happen until 1937.) Also pictured is how it looked in the 1950’s.