July 18th 2024
Meeting was called to order by President Bud Rubeck with 23 people attending.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The notes from the June 13th meeting were read and accepted.
The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.
Old Business –
Outreach – Alice Filter reported that she had sent two cards.
Pizza Warmers – It was decided that there was no need for a pizza warmer in the Club at this time.
Emergencey Spending Cap for Officers – A decision was made to allow emergency spending to be done at the discretion of the officers without a limited monetary amount being put on that happenstance. Documentation would be provided if such an event were to happen.
Coffee Pot – Kathy Arias has donated a Keurig coffee maker to the Club with Ariel purchasing the cups for it. We thank them for that!
4th of July – A thank you was extended to all that helped with this event with a special thank you going out to Ace Griffaw whom oversaw the evenings various activities making sure all was running smoothly. All food was sold along with 195 bags of popcorn. Ariel also reported that she gave away all of her bracelets and glow sticks. Thank you everyone! It was suggested that there be games or some other activities next year before the fireworks actually begin. That was tabled for now.
Clock – Lynne reported that Dennis Booth has been diligently working on our old clock and hopes to have success with it in the future. So far the old mechanism seems to be content (as Lea Justice would put it) “that its time has run out” by refusing to run consistently.
Grounds report – A thank you was extended to Jerry Justice for planting and watering the grass in the back of the new building. It was also noted how nice the new concrete patio is looking in the back. Lea Justice brought to attention that grass should not be planted on the side of the building as it is too shaded and will never grow there. With our heavy rain over the summer many times it has been proving to be a place for water and mud to collect. The grass planted in the front of the building is also not doing well. There was discussion to use the same gravel mixture that has been used by the fire hall on these areas.
Popcorn Maker – The popcorn maker the Club owns has died. Ace will look into this.
Fridges in beer shed – It was brought to our attention that the old fridges in the beer shed are on their last legs. Jerry Justice noted that purchasing coolers such as bars have may be a better way to go for storing beverages during events. Jerry will look into this.
Memorial Plaques – Kathy Arias mentioned that stainless steel plaques are available for purchse on Etsy for $11 although may be more depending on shipping and handling. It was not sure if this would be a good idea as stainless steel will rust over time. For now, Apple Awards has given us a prototype of a plastic plaque to see how it will hold up. Ace said he thought the first plaques on the top were plastic but has not taken one down to see. We are still in the experimental stage with the plaque restoration and are open for discussion.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by : Lynne Rice, Secretary of the CLCC Inc.