Clam Lake News & Events

Hello Clam Lake!

It’s that time of year again when we are hearing the calls of the bull elk as they search for that special someone. The best time for hearing bugles is early morning, although they will bugle whenever the mood strikes. It definitely has been a beautiful “beginning of Fall” week with nice temps and dry days. We’ll take it!

BOOK CLUB RECAP – On Tuesday of last week, the Clam Lake Book Club met and held discussion on the chosen book of the month entitled “Between Earth and Sky” by Amanda Skenandore. This book was a novel placed at an Indian Assimilation School in Wisconsin which provided some thought provoking discussion on that period in our history. The next meeting of the Club will be held on Monday October 7th at the Elkhorn Lodge. October’s selection will be Reader’s Choice where each attendee is asked to bring a favorite book or a book recently read to share with the group. The meeting will run from 4:30 to 5:30 with food and drink available before, during and after the meeting. The book club has been a great addition to our community and we wish to thank Lisa Peifer and Bonnie Booth for initiating it.

ELK FEST 2024 – On Saturday, September 21st Clam Lake’s third annual Elk Fest will take place. It will begin around 9:00 am with vendors set up to display their wares and exhibits. At 10:00, it will be time to learn about “all things elk” as you listen in to an Elk Education Talk given by Elk Biologist Josh Spiegel. Directly following that, there will be an Elk Walking Tour led by Rob Sparhawk. For the kids, there will be an Antler Hunt beginning at 2:00. Throughout the day a Snowmobile and ATV “Show and Shine” will be going on along with two bands providing live music. The food will once again be provided by the Elk Country ATV Club featuring the ever popular Flip Flop Chicken, Hot Dogs, potato salad, baked beans and chips. The ATV Club will also be announcing the winners of their raffle at this time. Remember all events are free.

MEAT RAFFLE – In conjunction with the Elk Fest, the Clam Lake Forest Riders will be holding a meat raffle on the 21st at Ransoms Place running from 3:00 to 5:00. Time to come and support this hard working club and win some delicious meat from Rondeaus in Cable in the process. They have alerted me that there could be a 50/50 cash raffle as well. Great day to be in Clam Lake!!!!!!!

COMMUNITY CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS – On Thursday, September 12th the Clam Lake Community Club held their monthly meeting with the highlight of the evening being the election of two new officers. Our new President is Josh Louks of Mathey Road with the office of Treasurer being taken by Dave Hebert of White Bass Lake. Vice President Ace Griffaw and Secretary Lynne Rice were incumbents and will remain in those positions. As we turn this new page in our 87 year history, the Clam Lake Community Club and its members, wish to thank Josh and Dave for accepting these positions of service. Of course, with the turn of the page, we also wish to acknowledge the many years of service given by our departing President and Treasurer, Bud and Julie Rubeck. They attended our meeting via phone and were greeted by a round of applause for all that they have done over the years to make our Club the success it has been, especially over the past year which saw us lose our old Club House and the erection of our new beautiful Community Center. So many things were handled so efficiently for so many years due to their involvement and we are so very grateful!!! Thank you!!!!! We know we have big shoes to fill and we will do our best to make you proud!!!

Until next week…..

Pictured is a bull elk attending to members of his harem. (Photos courtesy of Kate Brinkman.)