Community Club Meetings & Minutes

September 12th 2024

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Ace Griffaw.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The Minutes of the August 15th meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Old Business –

Outreach – Alice Filter reported that she had not sent out any cards this past month.

Popcorn Maker – Ace is still working on this.

Fridges in Beer Shed – Jerry Justice was not present to report on this.

Clock – Lynne reported this is still “in the process”.

New Business –

Elections – Nominations from the floor were taken with the following results:

President – Josh Louks (unopposed)
Vice President – Ace Griffaw (incumbent – unopposed)
Treasurer – Dave Hebert (unopposed)
Secretary – Lynne Rice (incumbent – unopposed)

A round of applause and thanks were expressed to departing officers Bud and Julie Rubeck – President and Treasurer respectively.

Grounds Upkeep – Ryan Lueloff has agreed to mow the Community Center grounds charging $40 per time. Josh will take care of plowing and shoveling during the winter.

Cemetery – Lynne will meet with Tod Rongstad about replacing the seven crosses that were made by Jim and Andrea Krygoski that are now deteriorating.

Scholarship – Lynne reported that both receipients have been given the first half of their award – $500 each.

Winner of the door prize was Chuck Allison with Joan Griffaw taking the Fill Your Card Bingo prize.

Meeting adjourned

Respectively submitted by:
Lynne Rice Secretary of the CLCC Inc.