Community Club Meetings & Minutes

October 10th 2024

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Ace Griffaw with 20 people attending.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

The Minutes of the September 12th meeting were read and accepted.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Old Business

Outreach – Alice Filter reported that there had been no activity.

Popcorn Maker – Ace reported that Ron Vecchie has purchased a new popcorn maker for the Club and that he has fixed our old one so now we have two working machines which should accommodate our needs.

Fridges in Beer Shed – Jerry Justice reported that he had looked into this and that it will cost around $1,200 for the two that we would need. This has been tabled till spring.

Cemetery – Todd Rongstad gave an update on what he had accomplished at the cemetery. He has put stone monuments and boulders in to replace the deteriorating wooden crosses. We thank him for that! It was also noted that the Glidden VFW/Legion has replaced the flag at the cemetery after the old one got caught on the pole and was ruined.

New Business

Day Lake Dam Inundation Map – Lynne presented the Forest Service Day Lake Dam Inundation Map that shows the progression and speed of the water to the various areas in our vicinity if the Day Lake Dam should ever fail. She communicated with District Ranger Mike Martin about the “what if?”. He said the dam is inspected often and has an alarm in place should the water ever drop significantly. Also, every five years they do a practice emergency response drill in case of dam failure. This map will be put up in the Community Center for viewing.

Boulders on grounds – It was noted that the boulders put in place on the front grounds will need to be removed before plow season so the town can plow Clam Lake Road without hitting them.

Beer Shed – Ace suggested fixing up the beer shed and possibly using building fund money for this project.

Winner of the door prize was Doris Johnson with Jill Markee winning the Fill Your Card Bingo. Congrats to them!

Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted by:

Lynne Rice
Secretary of the CLCC Inc.