The meeting was called to order by President Josh Louks with 20 people attending.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The Minutes from the February 13th meeting were read and accepted.
The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.
Old Business:
Outreach – Alice Filter reported that she had sent two cards in February. Lynne took this opportunity to thank Alice for handling this service for our community.
Helipad Light – Josh reported that there are lights at the helipad. One being a flashing light for the chopper. They must be manually turned on when the ambulance people arrive. The Glidden Ambulance people know how this is done although the Sawyer County and Bayfield County people do not. Josh will get a hold of the Fire Chief in Glidden to notify the other counties of the procedure.
New Business:
Membership – Our 2025 responses to the annual letter/membership drive are down slightly. Hopefully, more will be coming in during the month of March.
Generator – It was noted that in winter the generator base will have to kept free of snow and a path kept open for easy access to it.
Sewer line – In February we had a sewer line freeze up behind the firehall. This happened due to lack of snow coupled with below zero temperatures. In summer it will be dug up and insulated better. Jerry Justice also suggested placing bales of straw over the septic area. Hopefully, these measures will be a quick fix.
Cold weather kit – Josh suggested we purchase a cold weather kit for the generator. He will look into prices and get back to us on that.
Lea Justice has offered to donate and place black plastic and mulch around the Community Center Sign and the Scotford stone. We thank her for that!
Beer Shed Refrigerators – Jerry Justice presented prices for suitable glass door refrigerators for the Beer Shed. It was decided to purchase two at a price of $609.00 a piece. They will be moved from the Beer Shed into the Firehall when not in use to keep them in a temperature controlled setting.
Georgianna Fanella won the door prize with Kim Filter taking the Fill the Card Bingo prize. Congrats to them!
It was also noted that the town elk were in attendance. They spent time grazing on their own Pot Luck of snow free brush and grasses. We welcome them!
Meeting adjouned.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lynne Rice
Secretary of the CLCC Inc.