Hello Clam Lake!
Did someone say SNOW???? I’m sorry winter, you had months to do your thing and you decide now is the time to make up for missed opportunities? This past week definitely began as a wet snowy mess. After all this time of mild weather, it was a bitter pill to swallow. Hopefully, Mother Nature is back on her meds and looks at her calendar to remind her that Christmas is December 25th not March 25th.
EVENT REMINDER – On Saturday april 6th, there will be a Spring Fling held at the Clam Lake Community Center beginning at 4:00 pm. People participating are asked to bring a dish to pass and whatever they want to drink. Is a a time to come out of the woods and celebrate the season with neighbors and friends. Sounds like a good time!
MEETING – On Thursday April 11th the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting beginning at 5:00 pm at the Clam Lake Community Center. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw. This is a good time to learn what’s going on in the village and enjoy time spent with fellow Clam Lakers both full time and seasonal. Hope to see you there!
ELKHORN RETURNS – As of April 1st the Elkhorn Lodge will be once again featuring a full menu running Monday thru Sunday. They will be closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Much revamping has been done in advance of the opening so time to stop and see the new improved Elkhorn that yet, in spite of it’s improvements, still retains the charm of its humble beginnings as Uleck’s Tavern of the 1950’s. Congratulations go out to Lacey Holister as she begins this new adventure. We wish her well!
BOOK CLUB – Beginning in May, the Clam Lake Book Club will make its debut. This new club has been jointly founded by Lisa Peifer and Bonnie Booth. They will hold their discussions alternately between Ransoms Place and The Chippewa Outpost with the first one held on Tuesday May 14th at Ransoms Place from 4:30 to 5:30. The book they will be discussing will be “The Last Wolf” by Jim Crumley.They invite all to “Join them for lively discussion, camaraderie, tasty food and inspiring libations.” noting that food and drink are available for purchase during and after the book club session.
Until next week….
Pictured is the flyer for the Spring Fling.