Hello Clam Lake!
Well, winter has finally decided to make its presence known! This past week saw the thermometers plunge with days of below zero temps for highs along with wind that whipped what few inches of snow we had around. We did get a snowfall of about 4 inches before the temps plummeted so the winds had something to work with. Many of us were plowed for the first time which, considering it’s mid- January, was hard to believe. From all reports the next couple of weeks will once again see us return to milder weather with temps above freezing with no measurable snow in the forecast. Maybe one of these days……
ANNUAL LETTER REMINDER – A reminder that the Clam Lake Community Club Inc.’s annual letter has gone out. This letter typically goes out every January detailing what the organization has done over the past year. Also included is the membership card which should be returned in the envelope provided along with annual dues. Yearly dues are $10 for a single membership or $25 for a family membership. We appreciate the support the people have shown to this, Clam Lake’s only civic organization, over the past 86 years. When I read through the old minutes of the Club I realize they tell the story of Clam Lake and it’s many progressions over the years. The Club has always been the forerunner in getting things done in our remote village. Whether it be a fish hatchery being built, or the installation of electricity (1948) or the running of telephone lines (1954) to the modern day helipad the Club has been there leading the way. This past year saw our old Clubhouse, built in 1941, fall victim to the brutality of the winter of 2022/23. It was recorded as one of our worst winters in history with an accumulated snowfall of 150 inches. So began the process of rebuilding. The new building will be called the Clam Lake Community Center although the corporation will remain as the Clam Lake Community Club Inc. As an added bonus, due to the installation of a generator, our new building can be used as an emergency center if the need should ever arise. We thank all those that have helped with this project over the past (almost) year. It will be used for the first time by the Forest Service for a meeting next week. If you wish to become a member or maintain your present membership send dues along with your address to Clam Lake Community Club Inc., Box 6, Clam Lake, WI 54517. We appreciate it!!! and remember all are welcome!!
GROOMING FOR ELK – Although the snowmobile trails are not open yet, the groomers have been out packing down the trails to ready them for the whenever. In the meantime, our Clam Lake elk have asked me to express their gratitude for the nice packed trails the Clam Lake Forest Riders have been providing for them as they make their way through the mighty Chequamegon. The men in the groomer were able to snap a photo of them in transit as they watched the groomer’s progress. Thank you!
Until next week…..
Pictured are some of our Clam Lake elk enjoying freshly packed snowmobile trails. (Photo courtesy of the Clam Lake Forest Riders.)