Hello Clam Lake!
Winter – “we barely knew ye”! We have once again returned to spring like weather with above normal temps and what little bits of snow we have melting away. So, for the time being, snowmobile trails remain closed and ice fishing is iffy at best. Sad news for all those winter sports enthusiasts and the businesses but, good news for heating bills. Of course, as we all know, we can’t count winter out. Weren’t we just below zero for almost a week? Things can change fast and do. (As a side note – please be cautious when out on the area lakes. Due to our above normal temps the ice may not be safe.)
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in February a very happy day! They are:
February 2nd – Nancy Hawkins and Richard David
February 5th – Joan Griffaw
February 9th – Richard Hogue Jr.
February 10th – Pat Dudley
February 11th – Mike Krygoski and Pete Biasi
February 16th – Scott Markee and Clint McCloud
February 17th – Joel Eder
February 20th – Barb Snyder-Wilcox
February 22nd – AJ Cofrin
February 23rd – Ken Heer and Colae Vecchie
February 24th – Lori Eder and Zac Ransom
February 26th – Hadrian Eickermann
February 28th – Pat Nielson and Bill Schloer
The only couple celebrating a wedding anniversary in February is Tony and Jacci (Eder) Fiecke on February 26th. We hope they have a wonderful day!
ELK NEWS – HAPPY ENDING – Bull number 657, during deer season in November, suffered an unfortunate turn of events when he accidentally slipped his foreleg into his collar. Josh Spiegel, our resident elk biologist, theorizes that upon bending down to eat something the elk lifted his leg and accidentally slipped it through his collar. Since adult bulls tend to be solitary creatures, aside from mating season, their initial collars are made to grow with them so would typically be loose fitting. Cows and young bulls, on the other hand, group together and can be more easily coaxed into the portable corrals for recollaring and testing. Upon being informed of the bull’s predicament Josh and crew did go out and try to dart him several times to free him but he was way too mobile and refused to be caught. Which, of course, indicates that this situation, although not good, was not hampering his movements. As we all know, nature adapts. Fortunately for him, when the winter trapping corral was set up this last month he wandered in and was darted enabling them to free his leg and give him a new, better fitting collar. It was noted he had a few minor abrasions but, other than that, was off and running (literally!) once he came to. Good news! The corral trapping is done this time of year when the elk congregate togther so they can be recollared, if necessary, and have health checks done. (As a side note – Bull 657 is now one of a few sporting black collars. If you see him, make sure to say Hi!)
Until next week….
Pictured is Bull 657 right before capture and with WDNR Tech Molly Cochran as she monitors him after his old collar was removed. (Photos courtesy of Josh Spiegel.)