Hello Clam Lake!
MEETING REMINDER – The newly formed Clam Lake Book will be meeting on Tuesday, July 9th at Ransom’s Place running from 4:30 to 5:30. The book being discussed will be “The Secret Life of Sunflowers” by Marta Molnar. Organizers of the Club wish to a welcome to all to join them for some lively discussion, camaraderie, tasty food and inspiring libation. Food and drink will be available for purchase before, during and after the meeting.
ST. GEORGE – Every Saturday, during the summer season, Mass is celebrated at 6:00 pm at our historic St. George Chapel. Come take a step back in time to a simpler era in our log cabin chapel made from the forest that surrounds it.
BEARS – People are still reporting incidents of bears paying visits to homes, often taking down bird feeders in the process. Some are caught on camera just passing through as they make their way from one residence to another. The best defense against this type of behavior is to bring in all feeders or anything else that may entice them to visit. I’m sure it won’t be long and we’ll be seeing the DNR “bear mobiles” going up and down the road as they take bears on their annual voyages to places where they won’t cause problems.
SAVE THE DATE – On Saturday, July 27th Ransoms Place will be holding their annual Anniversary Party. This tradition was begun by Deb Straetz, when she owned the Y-Go-By, as a customer appreciation party. Now, it is held on the same weekend – the last in July – to mark the anniversary of Ransoms opening their business. With live music from 6:00 to 9:00, a bean bag tournament and the ever popular flip flop chicken, it promises to be the great event it has always been. Time to come out and mingle with friends and neighbors and have some fun in the process.
CLUB MEETING – This month the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting on Thursday, July 18th beginning at 5:00 pm. After the short meeting there will be a Pot Luck followed by some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo caller Ace Griffaw. The Clam Lake Community Club has been Clam Lake’s only civic organization since 1937 and is grateful to all those that have supported and participated in its functions over the past 87 years! Hope to see you there! (As a side note – It was decided to hold this meeting one week later than normal due to the 4th of July celebration on the 6th.)
4th OF JULY CELEBRATION RECAP – As they say, “Oh, what a night!”. Our 4th of July celebration was, as always, a night to be remembered with plenty of “oohs and ahhs” to go around. The event was packed as celebrants settled in for a great show over the lake. And great it was! Time to extend a big thank you to all those that helped make our annual celebration the great night it was. First of all to the fireworks crew led by Derek Bay. Along with him, we thank Terra Frank, Josh and Hayden Louks, Cole Evansen, Tom Biasi, Justin Pratt and Colleen Pankratz for assisting and to Bud Rubeck for ordering the fireworks. On popcorn duty (LOTS of popcorn!) was the Griffaw family now consisting of three generations – Ace, Joan, daughters Kim and Kelly and grandchildren Tori Feckner, Kayla and Clarissa Williams along with their dad Chris Williams. The food was handled by Alice, Kim and Rick Filter along with Georgie and Kathy Fanella. Kathy Arias and Alice Filter acted as cashiers with Ariel Schonscheck handing out bracelets and glow sticks she had made and donated. The beer shed was run by the Booth family – Denis and Bonnie along with sons Thomas and Andrew and Bonnie’s sister Liann Neuendorf. We also wish to thank Ron and Tim from Bug Meister whom donated the spraying of the grounds and provided hoses and fire protection. Great to see our small community working together to provide a memorable celebration for locals and visitors alike. Thank you!!!! (If I have forgotten anyone please accept my sincere apologies.)
Until next week…..