Hello Clam Lake!
Happy Mother’s Day to all those Moms out there!
Spring seems to be finally settling in with our snow banks dwindling and warmer temps trying to get a foot hold. Before we know it, the winter of 2023 will be be but a memory. Let’s hope anyway….
WFWA MEETING: On May 20th at 9:00 am, the WFWA (West Fork Waterway Association) will be holding their annual Board of Directors Meeting. In past years, the WFWA has met at the Clam Lake Community Center but, in lieu of its loss another location has been chosen. For information as to where this meeting will be held you are encouraged to contact one of the directors. Their names and contact information can be found at www.clamlakewi.com/wfwa or under News and Events which lists the WFWA page. This meeting is public and anyone interested is encouraged to attend. The West Fork Waterway Association is an association of concerned people for the preservation and protection of the historic West Fork Waterway and wildlife area for recreation and public enjoyment of its scenic beauty today and in the future. The West Fork Waterway is on the west fork of the Chippewa River and includes the area from the Day Lake Dam to the Highway 77 Dam. It assists the Town of Gordon in funding expenses related to the maintenance of the Highway 77 Dam.
CAMPGROUND UPDATE – WINTER SETBACK: As with everything this year, winter’s long reaching effects will be affecting the upcoming camping season. From the Forest Service: “Campground openings in the Chequamegon – Nicolet National Forest will be delayed until as late as May 19th 2023 due to weather and safety concerns. This is due to lingering snow pack and high water in areas. Openings of boat launches will also be delayed. USDA Forest Service Specialists are working to re-open campgrounds as soon as possible.. The snow pack persists in shady areas and in plow piles. River and lake levels are high and the ground saturated. Hazard tree assessments and removals, well testing and general campground prep has started for sites that can be accessed. Crews will regularly re-assess conditions. Campers are asked to be flexible and have alternate plans if they intend to visit the forest in the beginning of May.” Typically, the National Forest campgrounds open on May 1st.
ST. GEORGE PREP DAY: On Monday, May 22 at 10:00 am, a “cleaning bee” will be held at St. George’s Chapel in Clam Lake. This is to ready our little chapel for the upcoming summer season beginning Memorial Day weekend. Anyone interested in helping is encouraged to attend. Any cleaning supplies brought would be appreciated. Thanks! Hope to see you there!
HISTORY MOMENT: Taken from a May 5th 1950 edition of the Glidden Enterprise: “The senior class held its annual banquet at Thompson’s Birch Haven Resort, Saturday April 29th. The establishment is now managed by Mr. and Mrs. Dillard who are leasing it from Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. We were served an excellent chicken dinner. The evening’s program was speeches by faculty and students. There was plenty of dancing. The senior class wishes to extend its sincere appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Dillard, and all who made our banquet so enjoyable.” Fran and Tommy Thompson built what became known as Birch Haven Resort. Fran was an excellent cook and they served meals and had a lodge and cabins until 1965 when Tommy died. Thompsons Resort also provided accommodations for winter sports lovers. An excellent 85 foot long tobaggon slide was constructed with a lighted skating rink on Lower Clam Lake. Also available was equipment for skiing and snowshoeing. Many banquets and special events were held at Thompsons over the years. (As a side note: Birch Haven is now owned and operated by a church ministry for summer retreats. When passing by you can still see the original lodge.)
Until next week…
Pictured is an advertisement for Thompsons Birch Haven.