Hello Clam Lake!
What a weekend we had!!!! Talk about Indian Summer – we were there! Clam Lake was a busy place with people out enjoying the last of the 70 degree days. Now….back to reality.
ATV CLUB DONATION: A huge thank you goes out to the Elk Country ATV Club on their donation to the Glidden Area Ambulance Service. This year’s donation amounts to $3,000 which the Club raised during their various events. Cari Brogue, Director of the Glidden Area Ambulance Service, reported that an automated chest compression device has been purchased and sent out to Clam Lake knowing the need is greater out here with only one EMT (Makala Reukema) on hand to respond. Makala keeps it at her home to have at the ready if needed. Cari added that the Ambulance Service’s long range goal is to raise enough money for a new ambulance. Thanks to all for contributing to this invaluable service.
MEETING REMINDER: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting on Thursday November 10th beginning at 5:00 pm. After the short meeting there will be a Pot Luck followed by some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw. Hope to see you there!
MEAT RAFFLE: The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be hosting a meat raffle at Ransom’s Place on Saturday November 12th running from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Time to come out and support this hard working club and win some delicious meat from Rondeau’s of Cable in the process! Good times!
OCTOBER MEMORIES: As Halloween gets closer I think back to the days when Clam Lake had several children and we mothers would load the kids up after school to go out trick or treating. Trick or treating in a forest community is an event! So would begin a couple hours of driving around from this house to that house – none of which are close together. Most of the locals of the community would anxiously await the children’s visit and would be prepared with candy enough for an army. As I’d encounter them prior they’d remind and say, “don’t forget to stop at my house!” And so we would! Of course, considering they had so much candy on hand, we’d leave each house with a fistful. “Aren’t you sure you don’t want one more? Or two?” After a couple hours of getting in and out of the car, complete with buckling and unbuckling seat belts over costumes each time, we’d head home with each child lugging about 5 lbs of candy. And, of course, there were the annual Halloween parties down at the Community Club where not only local children would attend but also, as luck would have it, children up for a long weekend due to teacher conferences down south. It would not be unusual to have 20, 30 or more children at a party. And each party always began with a rousing game of musical chairs. A favorite ice breaker! What a great time we had!!!
CONGRATS go out to Georgianna Fanella on the birth of her newest great grandchild – a boy! – Logan Robert Poierer on October 17th!
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in November a very happy day! They are:
November 1st – Kathy (McCorison) Arias
November 2nd – Richard Reukema
November 5th – Brent McFadden
November 6th – Patti Renzelmann
November 9th – Alissa Ward and Cindy Buryanek
November 10th – Cody Feckner
November 11th – Ace Griffaw
November 16th – Kate Alden and Caleb Melcher
November 17th – Becca Biasi
November 18th – Kari Jo Ford
November 19th – Jessica Eder
November 21st – Tom Biasi and Kris Guthman
November 28th – Mary Schier and Ron Miller
November 30th – Hudson William Gerhardt
The only couple celebrating a wedding anniversary in November are:
November 30th – Karen and Greg Schauer. We wish them a great day!!!
Until next week…Happy Halloween everyone!!!!
Pictured are members of the Elk Country ATV Club donating $3,000 to the Glidden Area Ambulance Service. L to R: Patti Tarras (Member), Terry Tarras (Secretary), Rick Guthman (President) and Cari Brogue (Director of the Glidden Area Ambulance Service).
And…..a Community Halloween Party held in 1990.