Hello Clam Lake!
Once again we have been treated to gorgeous fall days. The temps over the past couple weekends have climbed to the upper 60’s and low 70’s. Very nice for end of October! – which as we all know, can play host to a very different scenario. One sees people out enjoying these final (maybe!) days of warm weather as they enjoy outdoor activities or use this added bonus to get needed projects done “before the snow flies”.
MEETING REMINDER: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting on Thursday November 10th beginning at 5:00 pm. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw. Hope to see you there!
AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNDRAISER: The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be holding a meat raffle at Ransoms Place on Saturday November 12th running from 3:00 to 5:00. Proceeds from this month’s meat raffle will be donated to the Glidden Area Ambulance Service. Time to come out and support both of these worthwhile organizations. Don’t forget you’ll be winning some delicious meat from Rondeaus into the bargain. Thank you Forest Riders!!!
HISTORY MOMENT: Taken from a November 1950 edition of the Glidden Enterprise: “The Clam Lake Telephone Company is making an effort at present to change the corporation into a cooperative, whereby it could meet the requirements to come under Federal regulations which are similar to those of the REA. Their action is along the same lines as those people throughout the Namakagon area who are also promoting a cooperative telephone organization so that the entire summer recreation area in that section may receive telephone service..” Clam Lake’s quest for telephone service was something that went on for several years. When it was first being talked about letters were sent out to summer residents asking if they would be supportive of telephone service being made available in Clam Lake. Many responded with a resounding, “No!”. They did not want to come up to their wilderness retreats to telephones ringing as they did in their city dwellings. They were here for the peace, quiet and escape from work place responsibilities that our area provided. Of course, this is still a factor that calls people to our remote area although, in our 21st century world, communication is everywhere with hardly any visitors arriving without cell phones in hand. Due to much of this wrangling back and forth and just the logistics of getting phone service to Clam Lake our small forest community did not get linked up until 1954 when Chequamegon Telephone got authorization to provide service to the village of Clam Lake. What a joy it was for the local residents of the day to be able to use this long awaited service!
PRETTY BIRD: I happened across a male partridge whom was in full display mode as he slowly and painstakingly made his way across the road one day. With each carefully measured step he seemed to be saying, “Aren’t I the prettiest of all?” And, in my estimation, he was! Considering it’s not mating season for the grouse one wonders why he is displaying his plumage? From what I have learned, males will drum and display in the autumn to ward off competitors that may be in what they consider to be their territory. Whatever the reason, he definitely was interesting to behold.
Until next week….
Pictured is a male partridge in full display as he crosses the road.