Hello Clam Lake!
Quite a change in the weather. Again! We went from fall, to intense summer to fall again in the space of less than a week. The Labor Day weekend had us nearing 100 degrees and by Thursday we were lucky if we hit 60. At least we got some much needed rain which was especially welcome after all that heat. Busy holiday weekend on the lakes as everyone took to them to try and cool down. Randy Sersch (Gandhi) was lucky enough to catch some of our Clam Lake elk beating the heat by taking a swim in the Dead Horse. See accompanying photo.
ST. GEORGE END OF YEAR SEND OFF – Saturday, September 2nd saw the last Mass being celebrated of the 2023 summer season at St. George, our historic “Chapel in the Pines”. This year’s finale was especially meaningful as a Baptism was held prior to the Mass for Marie Judith, daughter of Dilan Marie and Ezekiel Rominske. The old Baptismal Font housed in St. George was used for the ceremony. Due to that and the many vacationers that decided to come to our final Mass of 2023, St. George was filled almost to capacity with 70 attendees. What a great way to end another successful season at our Clam Lake Summer Mission Chapel. Thanks again to everyone that helped make it the great year it was! See you next year!
LISTEN AND YE SHALL HEAR – That time of year again when the bull elk are out calling for that special someone with their distinctive “bugles”. I have heard reports of bugling being heard in and around Clam Lake aleady. The “Scream Bugle”, which is the one we are most familiar with and often hear, is bulls establishing dominance meant to put subordinates in their place. Female elk will bugle as well. This is called an “Estrous Scream”. In so doing she is alerting bulls she is ready for breeding. Both bulls and cows will “chirp” when in a group. This is usually done during feeding and shows contentment. If you hear chirping it usually means a herd is nearby. So, come to Clam Lake and listen as our forest neighbors make their presence known.
REMINDER – ELK FEST 2023 – The Clam Lake Elk Fest will take place on Saturday September 23rd from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be an Elk Education Presentation at 9:30 given by Wildlife Biologist Josh Spiegel directly followed by an Elk Walking Tour. Also featured will be a Snowmobile and ATV “Show and Shine” and vendors with booths and exhibits. All vendor space and activities are free. There will be music provided by two different bands and a “Kids Antler Hunt” at 1:30. The Elk Country ATV Club will be providing the food gain this year with the ever popular Flip Chicken, potato salad, baked beans and chips. Beer and soda will also be on hand for purchase. Time to come out to Clam Lake and enjoy they day as we celebrate our “Herd”. See you there!
ALSO ON SATURDAY – MEAT RAFFLE: On Saturday, September 23rd to coincide with Elk Fest, the Forest Riders Snowmobile Club will be having a meat raffle at Ransoms Place running from 3:00 to 5:00. All meats will be from Rondeaus of Cable. Sounds like a day in Clam Lake is in order!!!
Until next week….
Pictured is a group of cow elk beating the Labor Day heat by swimming across the Dead Horse. (Photo courtesy of Randy Sersch (Gandhi) of Clam Lake Guide and Taxidermy.)