Hello Clam Lake!
Mid week saw a return to winter. Once again snow was the order of the day. As the heavy snow clung to every branch it did look pretty but, one wants to remind Mother Nature that green is pretty too as are spring flowers. I think we are all ready to move on.
MEETING REMINDER: On Thursday, April 14th the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their regular monthly meeting beginning at 5:00 pm. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo Caller (trained right here in Clam Lake!) Ace Griffaw. See you there!
TURKEY TIME: That time of year where one can see male turkeys displaying their tail feathers in the hopes of attracting that special someone. If you ever happen to come upon this it is truly a beautiful display for all to enjoy. We wish them good luck in their pursuit of love. I’ve also seem pairs of partridge here and there. Ahh….spring.
EAGLE UPDATE: I spoke with Rich Hinchcliff who keeps a telescopic eye on our Camp Fire Island eagles. He reported that the pair seem to be doing well in their nest as they take on the task of parenting once again. So far, it’s unclear whether the eggs have hatched yet but, the two are definitely busy taking turns on the nest to keep everything warm and comfortable for their family to be. He said he had watched them earlier getting all in readiness as they brought in new sticks and plant matter so to do a bit of remodeling and updating for their new arrivals.
VISITOR: As I sat watching TV and reading one evening last week I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. As I looked up I saw a young raccoon staring back at me through the glass door. As intent as I was on my book he seemed just as intent on me. It was almost as if I was providing a program for him to be watching for a few moments. Those of us that live in the forest are often reminded that as much as we enjoy watching our woodland neighbors, they are often just as interested in watching us.
SYMPATHIES: We wish to extend our sympathies to the Vecchie family on the loss of Beans Vecchie. Beans was an English bulldog belonging to Alason (Vecchie) Peter whom often accompanied the family north. Beans was a lover of skateboards, which she would happily carry around in her mouth, daring anyone to take it from her. Another favorite past time was spending time in the water on a floatie. She occasionally came to our Community Club meetings where she would settle in for a few games of Bingo as the lovely smells of the Pot Luck wafted around her. She is survived by her companion bulldog Mac. She will be missed. Beans was 11.
ON THAT NOTE – We also wish to extend condolences to Judy Sharp and Kent Johnson on the loss of their English Bulldog Lily. She also enjoyed her visits to Clam Lake at the family cabin on Upper Clam. She is survived by her companion Bella, a French Bullldog, whom will miss her greatly. Lily was 12.
Until next week….Happy Easter everyone!!!!!
Pictured is Beans Vecchie at a Community Club Bingo session.