Hello Clam Lake!
Merry Christmas to one and all!!!! May your holiday season be a joyous one. One thing – it’s definitely beginning to look a whole lot like Christmas out there!
Hmmm….anything interesting go on this past week? Umm….yeah! The weathermen kept predicting a severe snow event for Wednesday but, I don’t think any of us foresaw what a mess was ahead. First came the rain, followed by heavy wet snow accumulating to over a foot in most places. Of course, what follows heavy wet snow? Power outages brought on by trees breaking or losing their limbs to hit whatever is below. So began one of the record power outages for our little village. Many of us were out for 36 hours. When I called mine in, Bayfield Electric reported there were over 5,000 meters out. So, began the wait followed by the rejoicing when power was restored. We have to extend a huge thank you to those hard working linemen who worked nonstop to turn the power back on. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! And to the road crews who were kept busy clearing trees and plowing snow.
Of course, all this new snow means the groomers are out and about getting the trails in tip top shape for the snowmobilers. They, too, have been experiencing challenges when trying to groom with fallen trees all over the trails. Our thanks go out to them as well for clearing the way for the snowmobile season to begin.
Considering the weather event, my column will be shorter than normal this week concluding with a happy holiday memory from the past.
HOLIDAY HISTORY MOMENT: This excerpt was taken from a 1967 edition of the Glidden Enterprise. “It took many blocks of ice to construct this Ice Palace on the corner of Highway 77 and Country Trunk M in the Northern Wisconsin community of Clam Lake, but the end result was well worth the effort. The Ice Palace was constructed by Job Corpsmen currently stationed at the Job Corps Conservation Center located just north of Clam Lake. The ice blocks were cut from Upper Clam and transported to the scene of this magnificient piece of winter masonry. Colored lights create a thing of beauty at night and provide natives and travelers, alike, with an awe-inspiring experience. No doubt, the seasonable cold climate will cooperate in preserving this structure long enough for many to view its splendor throughout the following weeks.” The Job Corps Center in Clam Lake ran from 1965 thru part of 1969. While here, the Corpsmen accomplished many things including helping with the construction of the Day Lake Dam and Campground. (As a side note: We see part of the old two sided Clam Lake sign in the photo of the Ice Palace when it sat at the intersection of Highway 77 and M. The sign was later positioned where the park is now.)
Until next week…..Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!
Pictures are the Corpsmen working on the Clam Lake Ice Palace in 1967.