February 13th 2025
The meeting was called to order by President Josh Louks.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The Notes from the January 16th meeting were read and accepted.
The Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.
Old Business:
Outreach – Alice Filter reported that she had sent two cards since our last meeting.
Helipad Township Payments – Dave reported that both townships have sent the promised $250 towards the electric bill at the helipad. The Club will no longer be responsible for that payment.
Temperature Light – A light has been installed in the front window of the Club which will come on if the temperature inside the Club drops below 55 degrees. The issues we have had with the boiler were explained citing an accumulation of flies that had clogged the outside pipe causing the boiler to quit. Mike Dunlavy will work on it come summer.
New Business :
Helipad light – Lynne asked if the light at the helipad had ever been installed. Josh will look into this.
Norvado – Jerry Justice reported that he had spoken with Norvado regarding a WIFI thermostat. After giving the numbers, it was decided it was too expensive for the Club to do at this time. We will use the window light instead which is a much more economical solution.
Bug Spraying – Having the building sprayed for cluster flies and Asian Beetles was discussed. This topic was tabled until summer.
Alice Filter won the Door Prize.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lynne Rice
Secretary of the CLCC Inc.