Due to illness, both our President and Treasurer were not in attendance at the scheduled January meeting.
In lieu of that, the Minutes and Treasurer’s Report were not read as it was not an official Community Club meeting.
There was discussion regarding an ad that had put on the Elk Country ATV Club’s map in the past. This was done out of the Rubeck’s personal account with the ATV Club mistakenly thinking it was the Community Club because of the wording. The officers had thought it a good idea to continue with the ad as the ATV Club has been very generous to the Club in the past. Everyone was in agreement with that. Combined with our annual dues of $25 and the ad costing $50 a total of $75 will be sent to the Elk Country ATV Club. They will advertise our 4th of July celebration which will be on Saturday the 5th.
It was also noted that the Towns of Gordon and Shanagolden will each be sending $250 to cover the electric bill at the Helipad. The Town of Gordon requests a bill sent to them annually for the $250 worded for the electric on Rescue Road and Highway 77 so they can use it as a deduction. The Town of Shanagolden does not require a bill and will just send the $250 annually.
It was noted that the Club belongs to these organizations: The West Fork Waterway Association, the Elk Country ATV Club, the Forest Riders Snowmobile Club and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. We belong to the RMEF mainly due to them paying for the electric at the park.
Due to our ongoing problems with the boiler, coupled with an onslaught of cold weather, there was talk of installing a light in the window that would go on if the temperature dropped in the Club. This has been ordered.
We thank those that were sick and chose not to attend so as to not spread illness.
Submitted by Lynne Rice – Secretary of the CLCC Inc.