June 13th meeting
Due to a lack of a quorum of officers for decisions to be made the June meeting of the Clam Lake Community Club was mainly discussion. Here are notes taken by Lea Justice in lieu of Lynne Rice, acting secretary, whom was unable to attend.
Vice President Ace Griffaw began the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Minutes and Treasurer’s Report were both dispensed with although late parts of the financial statement were touched on.
Kathy Arias looked into a pizza oven warmer but did not purchase. Lyn Hartl offered to give the Center his two pizza warmers. No decision made.
It was suggested that instead of making a pot of coffee for meetings purchasing a Keurig was a good idea. Members agreed and Kathy will look into the purchase at no more than $50.
Old schoolhouse clock is not working again. Dennis Booth is working on getting it up and running. Has done more research and is the process of trying the next step.
Concrete patio will be poured the week of the 17th weather permitting. Then air conditioning will be installed.
Only two people applied for the scholarship so it was decided by the Scholarship Committee to award the Clam Lake Community Scholarship to both.
The memorial plaques at the park are tarnishing/fading. Ace has spoken with Apple Awards for suggestions as to replacing the plaques. Ace was given a plastic plaque that is copper color. He has put it up on the memorial board to test how it holds up. Apple Awards will possibly pay for half the costs if we decide to replace the damaged plaques. It was decided a member/person cannot put up their own plaque so as to keep the uniformity.
An emergency spending cap for officers of $500 has been suggested. To be brought up at next meeting.
4th of July celebration discussion. The event will be held on Saturday July 6th. Food will be prepared by Georgie Fanella, Alice Filter and Kathy Arias. Food will be Sloppy Joes, hot dogs and donuts. Food will be served inside. The food crew will arrange their area on Friday the 5th. Tables will be placed to make a barrier to prevent people from entering into the entire Center. Ariel will be making bracelets for children at the event. Popcorn will be made in the Center but sold in the beer shed. The Griffaw family will handle that. Ace will take care of obtaining the beer, soda and water.
Dennis and Bonnie Booth will man the beer stand.
Spraying for mosquitoes will take place either the day before or the day of the event.
The July meeting has been moved from the usual date to the following week Thursday, July 18th due to the 4th celebrations on the 6th.
Discussion adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Lynne Rice
Secretary of the CLCC Inc.