Community Club Meetings & Minutes

January 12, 2017 Regular Meeting & Potluck

Meeting called to order by Bill MacLeod at 5:10 pm with the pledge of allegiance. In attendance: Bud Rubeck, President & Julie, Ace Griffaw, Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer, Carl & Jean Kubley, Lynne Rice, Brian Bowman & Jan Sharp and Jerry & Lea Justice.

Minutes of the November 10th meeting were read and moved to accept by Lea Justice, seconded by Julie Rubeck. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report:
Checking account balance 11/10/16 $ 3,141.99
Bayfield electric (thru 11/01) $ 104.08
Florist (Hillstrom) $ 68.58
Gordon Town Treasurer (2016) $ 15.30
Checking account balance 12/08/16 $ 2,954.03
Scholarship Fund $ 9,407.98

Checking account balance 12/08/16 $ 2,954.03

Individual $ 50.00
Family $ 400.00
Fireworks $ 239.27
Donations $ 157.50

Bayfield Electric (thru 12/01) $ 96.56
Advance Printing (2017 renewal material) $ 144.77
Postage 140 X .47 $ 65.80

Checking account balance 1/12/2017 $ 3,493.67

Fireworks ( 239.27)
Scholarship Fund $ 9,407.98

Motion to accept November and December reports by Jerry Justice, seconded by Lynne Rice. Motion carried.

Old Business:
Bill reported one outreach card was sent. Lea asked if new residents were being included and Bill will check with Andrea and report back. It was unanimous they should be included.


Lynne Rice brought the presentation materials used to collect donations at the Junction for the Glidden Historical Society and updated attendees on the project. Significant progress in raising funds has been made and Lynne and her brother Dave were commended for their effort to have Clam Lake included in this worthwhile project.


New Business:
Several projects were brought up for consideration. New exterior doors with windows and a new exhaust fan in the kitchen. Bud will report back with cost estimates.
There being no further business to conduct it was moved by Brian Bowman to adjourn and seconded by Jan Sharp at 5:36 pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Bill MacLeod, Secretary/Treasurer.