Hello Clam Lake!
Another interesting weather week with our temperatures continuing to fluctuate from 70 degrees one day to 40 the next. Think many of us find it hard to adjust but are grateful for those warmer days to get last minute outdoor projects accomplished or simply be out in the forest enjoying the day. The end of the week saw hearty gusts of wind coming to call. As always, our weather seems to be all over the place.
Happy Veterans Day! Remember to thank a vet if you see one on November 11th!! Thank you to all that have served!!
MEETING REMINDER: On Thursday, November 10th, the Clam Lake Community will be holding their monthly meeting beginning at 5:00 pm. Following the short meeting there will be a Pot Luck. Then it will be time for some Clam Lake Style Bingo with Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw at the helm. Hope to see you there!
CHARITY MEAT RAFFLE: On Saturday, November 12th the Clam Lake Forest Riders will be hosting a meat raffle at Ransoms Place running from 3:00 to 5:00. Proceeds from this month’s raffle will go to the Glidden Area Ambulance Service. Time to come out and support our hard working snowmobile club who maintain the area trails and donate towards the very worthy and needed! Ambulance service at the same time. All meats come from Rondeaus of Cable. Yum!
HISTORY MOMENT: An excerpt taken from the Cable Commentator dated November 9th, 1965: “First Contingent of Corpsmen Arrives at Clam Lake Center – The first contingent of corpsmen, numbering 19, arrived at the Clam Lake Job Corps Center on Wednesday, an advance group which will eventually reach a total of 224. They came from western states arriving at Cable for transportation to the Center. The Clam Lake Center is one of the first of it’s kind in America to swing into operation. It is expected to be a model for other such camps. The young men apply for job corps training and are given regular classes in basic studies, and at the same time are given vocational training. At first this vocational training will be various phases of forestry, tree planting, road building, land clearing and so on. The Clam Lake Job Corps Center is a big development with an overall cost of several hundred thousand dollars. It is anticipated that their work and study days will alternate. The Corpsmen receive a stipend, part of which is reserved for them until they complete their work. They may stay up to two years if they wish, or they may leave at any time earlier if they choose. The young men rise at 6:00 am each day and continue with their classes or vocational work until 5 pm. During the past few months, a gigantic building program has been underway at the camp. Already constructed are the administration building and the dispensary, four dormitories and two warehouse Quonsets for vehicle storage. A temporary gym will be built and later a permanent gym. Group recreation such as attendance at football games and other sports at the schools and colleges, dances and group recreational activities, are arranged in cooperation with local educational and community leaders of the area. The Job Corps has a staff of about 30 men which will increase to 50.” The Job Corps was modeled after the CCC Camps of the 1930/40’s and is still in operation today. Clam Lake’s Job Corps operated from 1965 through 1969 – four short years. During that time the Corpsmen accomplished many things including helping with the construction of Day Lake and it’s adjoining campground. The facility was then used by the University of Stevens Point as a field station for forestry students until 1985. Its structures were also used by other groups such as the YCC. Today, the land where it once sat, is used by campers and the Native Americans for their elk camp. The grounds also feature a USFS remote access weather site. A great part of Clam Lake’s multi-faceted past!
Until next week……
Pictured is an overhead view of the Clam Lake Job Corps Center as it looked when completed.