What a beautiful day in our Northwood’s, today this Sunday afternoon it was spectacular! The lake looked like a mirror with a perfect reflection of the trees along the shoreline. Days like this are great days for laying in the hammock with a great book or throwing a line in the water to see what bites. Just a perfect day, I hope you enjoyed it…..

Stone plaque in memory of Howard Scottsford and “Camp Fire Island”
Gordon Reinders is home recovering after his recent hospital stay. His family welcomed him back with opened arms! Welcome home Gordy! We are all glad you are doing so well……
Congrats to Carol and Mike Plotkowski on the birth of their Grandson Joshua Stephen Plotkowski! Joshua’s parents are Jason and Meloni Plotkowski…..
Belated Birthday wish to Tom Glafcke who celebrated his special day on June 11….
My sister Paula from Greensburg, Kansas has made a return trip to Clam Lake to celebrate our Mom’s 80th Birthday on June 23 and along with my sister will be my brother Patrick, his wife Cindy and their sons Justin and Christopher from Moorhead, MN…….
I know it’s summer break from school and riding a school bus every day isn’t a thought in your mind. But, it is to the Bailey family. After 26 years Terese has retired from driving an Illinois School Bus. She plans on spending a lot more time at the Bailey Family Retreat with her husband Bob. Congrats Terise! Happy Retirement!!
If you missed the last Potluck Dinner You missed out on something really special. If you have gone by the community club in the last couple of days you have probably noticed the beautiful stone plaque in the flowerbox. The stone plaque is in memory of Howard Scottsford and “Camp Fire Island”. It’s a beautiful tribute to A place so dear to so many people. Thank you to Lynne Rice, Lea and Jerry Justice and John Novitzke for their work on this very special project…
Clam Lake’s Fireworks display will be held on Saturday July 4th at dusk…
Until next time…be kind!