Hello Clam Lake!
I shudder to say it but I think spring may be finally here. Considering last year at this time, we were wondering if the ice was going to be out in time for fishing season (that opens this coming weekend) we are doing pretty well. Our ice has been out for over a month which isn’t normally the case. So, we have to take our wins where we can as we watch snowflakes falling here and there.
AND YES…..the fishing season opener will be this coming Saturday May 4th. We wish everyone good luck as they head out onto the lakes.
AS OF PRESS TIME WE HAVE BEEN ALERTED of the passing of Ralph Cornell. Our sympathies go out to Cheri and the rest of the Cornell family. More next week……
MARK THOSE CALENDARS – FIRE PREVENTION MEETING – On Thursday May 9th , the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting beginning at 5:00 pm. This will be a special meeting with members of the Forest Service and area Fire Departments doing a presentation on Fire Prevention. With our present drought situation, this was thought to be a good time to present a “what if?” scenario in case of forest fire. Along with the presentation, there will also be a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo if time allows. Hope to see you there!
BOOK CLUB REMINDER – The first meeting of the Clam Lake Book Club will be held on Tuesday May 14th at Ransoms Place running from 4:30 to 5:30 pm. The book that will be discussed is “The Last Wolf” by Jim Crumley. People are invited to join in some lively discussion, camaderie, tasty food and inspiring libation. The organizers of this club are Lisa Peifer and Bonnie Booth.
ST. GEORGE RENOVATION – St. George, our beloved mission chapel, has been going through some much needed log restoration over the past few weeks. This is being done by Dan, Ruth and Donovan Dum of Seeley. They are the owners of “The Natural – Log Homes” where they specialize in log homes and log restoration. They have been in business since 1979 and are true craftsmen. Thankfully they have addressed the issues time has wrought on the logs of our old chapel. Thanks to them, it is looking good. Good job!
“SWIMS WITH GEESE” – This past week a black bear, having a moment of species confusion, decided to join a group of geese as they swan along Lower Clam Lake. Tom Glafcke was able to witness the bear enjoying his spring swim with his new found friends. Once the bear neared the shore he got up and walked into the woods seemingly remembering his rightful place in the hierarchy of our forest world.
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in May a very happy day! They are:
May 11th – Justin Gerhardt
May 12th – Tiffany Eickermann
May 13th – Meghan Keany
May 16th – Jenny Gapen
May 19th – Lacey Hollister and Jacob Miroslaw
May 21st – Pam Stowell and Nilu Eder
May 28th – Carol Kriescher
May 31st – Don Castro
Couples celebrating wedding anniversaries in May are:
May 1st – Mike and Katie Anderson
May 28th – Ron and Colae Vecchie
We wish them all good thing on their special day!
Until next week…..
Pictured are Donovan, Dan and Ruth Dum working on St. George. Also pictured is “Swims with Geese” enjoying his swim on Lower Clam.