Hello Clam Lake!
A might chilly these days! Wednesday we awoke to temps sitting at minus 20. Of course, that came after another eight inches of snow had fallen and was followed by – yup – you guessed it! – more snow. It’s definitely beginning to look a LOT like Christmas. I think back, remembering last year, when as Christmas approached things were still fairly snowless. This is a dawn of a new day, that’s for sure. The plows are running steady and shoveling is just par for the course in a day.
Although the ice fishing season got off to a good start before the snow hit, now with so much snow sitting upon five or six inches of ice it has become extremely dangerous to be out on the lakes. Keep that in mind if thinking of venturing out. Stay safe!
This is a quiet time for the village as we sit between seasons. The snowmobile trails will open on the 12th, one day after Muzzleloader season ends. Everyone is awaiting the return of the snowmobilers and the business they bring. Can you hear old Jed singing, “White gold, northwoods tea….”to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies song? I can….Snow is an important part of our economy so we welcome it.
GOOD SAMARITANS: Thursday morning, in the midst of yet another snow event, saw Jen BeBeau our mail carrier, lock her keys in her car – with it running. This is everyone’s worst nightmare and considering she had a load of mail in the car to go out she needed help quickly. Thankfully, Richard Reukema and Rob Dezotell were on hand to lend her a helping hand so she was able to make her deliveries and into her daughter’s Christmas concert on time. We are so fortunate to live in a small community where people step up to help one another. Kudos to Richard and Rob for being those people!
FIDDLE FEST: Beth Allison, our resident fiddler, wishes to share that her and her group, the Celtic Connection, will be playing at the Fiddle Fest in Seeley on January 4th.This event will feature a variety of fiddlers and musicians from the area. So, if you’re looking for some fun and good music this sounds like the place to be! Look for signs in the local businesses for details.
AT&T TOWER: I took a ride down 195 to check on our new AT&T cell tower that is in the final stages of completion. Three young gentlemen were braving the fierce cold and heavy snows to put the finishing touches on the tower. Approaching the work area you are met with a mass of hoses and cables running alongside a huge crane. Only one way traffic was possible. I learned the young men are tower technicians that are installing the things that need to be done for it to be operational – which it will be soon. Happily, Clam Lake will now boast both Verizon and AT&T towers so no longer will we hear the complaint from tourists of, “I don’t get any service here!” Thank you Tower Guys!!!
RECAP: Thursday evening saw a small group of Clam Lakers brave the snowy roads to attend the annual Christmas Party at the Club. We found that good things come in small packages as we enjoyed spending time with one another during this busy holiday season. Delicious food was on hand as were presents for one and all. The Clam Lake elves (Pat Dudley, Kathy Arias and Lynne Rice) had previously decorated the Club so it was looking festive. Of course, as the evening wore on, Ace took the helm at the Bingo wheel and the silly settled in. After a few cups of mulled wine Kim Filter was lucky enough to find O-77 on her card – not once, but twice! Soon, with Christmas music in full swing it became a bit of a singing and dancing Bingo. And yes! It can be a challenge to try and sing, dance and get the correct Bingo number. But, we did it! Sometimes….The Filters had the “lucky table” becoming the evening’s big winners complete with Alice Filter winning the “Fill Your Card” prize. Last but not least, we wish to extend a thank-you to Lea and Jerry Justice for cooking the ham! Was a fun time!
Until next week…..keep ‘er movin’…..(snow that is)
Pictured is the gang at the Christmas Party letting their silly flow and the Tower Guys!