Hello Clam Lake!
Well, after temps hitting almost 50 on Saturday, along came Tuesday. Snow anyone? What had melted reappeared with more to spare accompanied by high winds. Am sure the winter sports enthusiasts are doing the happy dance! Winter is here to stay, I think.
HOLIDAY SPIRIT: Thanks go out to those who are decorating homes, the park, corners and businesses for the holiday season. Seeing all these cheerful decorations puts us all in the spirit of the season. Richard and Makala Reukema have taken it upon themselves to decorate the corner where Highway 77 and GG South meet. Being snowmobile enthusiasts, they showcase Santa’s arrival in Clam Lake via snowmobile. Thanks go out to them for making the entry into Clam Lake memorable.
UPCOMING HOLIDAY FUN: On Thursday, December 15th, the Clam Lake Community Club will be hosting their annual Christmas party at the Club beginning around 5:00 pm. A ham will be provided with people being asked to bring sides or desserts to accompany the ham. There will also be a $15 gift exchange (if you wish to participate) that should be labeled man or woman. After the meal there will be some Christmas Bingo led by Mater Bingo caller Ace Griffaw. Time to come out and enjoy the spirit of the season with neighbors and friend. All are welcome! Hope to see you there!
REMEMBER: Decorating for the Community Club Christmas party will be held on Thursday, December 8th at 10:00 am. Anyone wishing to help is encouraged to attend.
ELK ON THE SHELF: Once again, the Clam Lake Junction is featuring their “Elk on the Shelf” contest. Everyday, a small holiday themed elk will be hidden in the public spaces of the Clam Lake Junction. If you are lucky enough to find it, your name will be entered in a drawing for a $200 gift certificate! Happy elk hunting everyone!
UGLY SWEATER CONTEST AND SANTA: On Saturday, December 10th an Ugly Sweater Contest will be held at Ransoms Place. Santa has also agreed to pay a visit to pass out goodies for the kids from 4:00 to 6:00. People are encouraged to bring a dish to share and if they wish to participate in the gift exchange they are asked to bring an (up to) $25 gift (adults only). Time to get into the spirit, get your silly on and enjoy some holiday fun!
MEAT RAFFLE: Also on Saturday the 10th the Clam Lake Forest Riders will be having a meat raffle running from 3:00 to 5:00 at Ransoms in conjunction with the Ugly Sweater Contest and Santa’s visit. Time to come out and support this hard working club and win some deliscious meat in the process.
Until next week….