Hello Clam Lake!
Well, well……spring is definitely in the air! What a wonderful “winter” this has been for all of our forest neighbors. I would think most of our forest critters have been having a pretty easy time of it this winter compared to last. Should bode well for upcoming deer seasons and nature overall. Am sure there will be a healthy crop of newborns this spring. Good news! Although a small amount of snow is predicted for this week, temps will quickly rebound getting close to 60 by the weekend so that will be gone in no time.
SPEAKING OF – FIRE DANGER IN FEBRUARY? – (Shared by our local fireman Tom Biasi) – “Due to the snow drought of ’23 – ’24, fire dangers are beginning to elevate. Currently, our community counties of Ashland, Bayfield and Sawyer are classified as Moderate Fire Danger. Please keep this in mind while you enjoy everything the Chequamegon Nicolet National Forest has to offer. Thank you!” Remember what Smokey says “Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires!” (And to think last year at this time we were experiencing a foot or more of “fresh powder”.)
SYMPATHIES – We extend our sympathies to the Mathey and Rein families on the passing of Julene (Mathey) Rein. The Mathey family moved to Clam Lake in 1946 where they built and ran Pine Point Resort on Lower Clam Lake. Julene was the oldest of the four Mathey children. She married Dan Rein, from Glidden, in 1959 at our historic St. George Chapel. They were the first couple to be married there. Though they moved away from the area they made many trips up north to visit family and friends. Whenever I see photos of Julene as a young person attending school in Glidden I see a boisterous cheerleader with a big smile on her face. She seemed to exude a joy for life. Julene is survived by her husband Dan, sons Dan and Mike, daughter Cyndi and her sister Janet McCloud and brother Ray Mathey. Julene was 84.
MEAT RAFFLE – The Clam Lake Forest Riders wanted me to tell everyone that they are holding their last meat raffle of the season on Saturday, March 2nd running from 3:00 to 5:00 at Ransoms Place. They would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that have attended their meat raffles in support of all the hard work they do maintaining trails and keeping the groomer in tip top shape. Although winter did not make an appearance this year or not enough to warrant a snowmobile season, they still kept busy, using that time to get out and clear trails and work on the groomer. Gail told me they may even throw in a 50/50 cash raffle just for good measure! So, time to come out and win some delicious meat and have some fun in the process! Remember all meats come from Rondeaus in Cable.
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in March a very happy day! They are:
March 2nd – Tom McDonnell
March 4th – Claudia Johnsom-Reinders
March 6th – Gregg Krugg and Beth Francois
March 9th – Tom Eder and Gary Bartholomew
March 11th – Anna Rice and Rob Dezotell
March 12th – Barb Murphy
March 13th – Barb Cook, Zack Higgins and Alice Filter
March 14th – Gabriel Melcher
March 16th – Kim Williams
March 18th – Andy Melcher
March 22nd – Scott Straetz
March 23rd – Fred Hodgeman – turning 93 years young!
March 25th – Andrew Reinders
March 27th – Kim Filter
March 28th – Barb Miller and Dave Frasch
March 29th – Matt Francois
March 30th – Doris Johnson and Aubrey Eickermann
March 31st – Georgianna Fanella and Nicholas Eder
Couple celebrating wedding anniversaries in March are:
March 6th – Ace and Joan Griffaw
March 27th – Bob and Terese Bailey
We with them a wonderful day!
Unitl next week….
Pictured is a photo taken of the Fire Danger sign in Clam Lake this past week. (Photo courtesy of Tom Biasi.)