Hello Clam Lake!
Got Snow? Not since the winter of 2013-2014 have we seen snow accumulations like we have this year. Shoveling has become an all but daily activity with the plows running steady. Although Wednesday we weren’t due much snow, Mother Nature decided to nix that and send us another 6 inches. Of course, that event was followed by a inch or two here and there so we could keep up our daily workouts. January also saw fit to end it’s run on a below zero note bringing us highs in the negative digits. The winter sports enthusiasts are definitely having a great time!!!
MEAT RAFFLE: The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be hosting a meat raffle at Ransom’s Place on Saturday, February 11th running from 3:00 to 5:00. Time to come out and support this hard working Club who have been kept busy this past winter keeping the snowmobile trails groomed and cleared. LOTS of work this year! We are grateful to them for all they do to help boost our forest economy. (Remember all meats come from Rondeaus in Cable. Yum!)
SPEAKING OF: The Clam Lake Junction has come up with an innovative way to help the Clam Lake Forest Riders raise funds considering all they do to make our snowmobile season a successful one. When making a purchase at the Junction you may be asked if you would care to donate a dollar towards the Club. Installed on their till will be a donation button they can hit so the money can be kept track of easily and safely. What a great idea! And remember – you don’t need to make a purchase to donate. If you wish to put a dollar in the pot just tell them so and they will add it in. Thanks go out to all those that donate!!! And Forest Riders? Keep up the good work!!!
LITTLE SOLDIER OF THE FOREST: As I happened along the deep, deep woods one day last week I happened to come across a male partridge “strutting his stuff” in defence of his territory. He was wonderful to see as he proceeded to “march” across the road against the backdrop of the beautiful winter scene. As he climbed up the bank and into the snow one is reminded of the difficult time so many or our forest “neighbors” experience when the winters are harsh. Many do not survive its brutality. Thanks go out to all those that go “that extra mile” to make their lives a bit easier.
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in February a very happy day! They are:
February 2nd – Nancy Hawkins and Richard David
February 5th – Joan Griffaw
February 9th – Richard Hogue Jr.
February 10th – Pat Dudley
February 11th – Mike Krygoski and Pete Biasi
February 16th – Scott Markee and Clint McCloud
February 17th – Joel Eder
February 20th – Barb Snyder-Wilcox
February 22nd – AJ Cofrin
February 23rd – Ken Heer and Colae Vecchie
February 24th – Lori Eder and Zac Ransom
February 26th – Hadrian Eickermann
February 28th – Pat Nielson and Bill Schloer
The only couple celebrating a wedding anniversary in February are: Jacci (Eder) and Tony Fiecke on February 26th. We hope they enjoy their special day!!
Until next week!
Pictured is the Little Soldier of the Forest