Hello Clam Lake!
It seems like we are on a bit of a “repeat” weather pattern. First, it snows – usually a good six to eight inches, then it gets above freezing and melts with possible rain, gets cold for a day or two, then presses the “repeat” button. Ice was a real hazard with last week’s rain event so a bit of fresh snow for traction was welcome. Seems it’s an “anything goes” situation this winter. So far.
Due to our warmer weather conditions I talked with Randy (Ghandi) Sersch about the snowmobile trails. He told me that although the Ashland County trails were closed for a while due to water hazard they have now reopened with a “ride at your own risk” advisory. Both Bayfield and Sawyer remained open so there is a fair amount of snowmobiles out and about and of course, trailer after trailer pulls in to gas up on their way to and from the UP. The local businesses will be ramping up as conditions improve.
ELK COUNTRY ATV CLUB ICE FISHING CONTEST: Talked with Rick Guthman and he said “It’s a go!” for the annual Elk Country ATV Club Ice Fishing Contest that will be held on Saturday, January 18th. He’s been diligently checking the ice conditions and has deemed things ready to roll. This is always a fun event with Upper Clam becoming a community unto itself for the day. Come join us for some fish and fun!!! and win some prizes to boot!
REMINDER: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly Meeting/Pot Luck/Bingo on Thursday January 9th beginning at five. Our featured speaker will be Jane M. from the Ashland County Aging Unit. If you have questions or concerns she may be the one to talk with. Promises to be an informative and entertaining evening. Right, Ace?
MEAT RAFFLE: Also on January 18th the Forest Riders Snowmobile Club will be holding their monthly meat raffle at Ransom’s.Place. If it’s anything like last month’s raffle it promises to be a wild ride. Come in and win some delicious meats from the Sixth Street Market in Ashland and support this active and valuable Club.
CONDOLENCES go out to Cyndi Masty, whom is renting Dan Allen and Kathie Erickson’s home for the winter, on the loss of her mother. Thoughts and prayers go out to her.
SAD NEWS: As this is going to press, it is with great sadness, that I’ve learned of the passing of Ella Stevens. Her and her husband Jim (both formerly of Sun Prairie), were seasonal Clam Lakers for many years with their family still returning to their cabin for gatherings. She was a wonderful lady and will be missed! Ella, at the time of her death, lived at Heatherwood Assissted Care in Eau Claire. She was 87. Parting is such sweet sorrow…
CANINE REPORT: A belated Happy Birthday goes out to Beans Vecchie whom turned 9 on Christmas Day. She is the fur baby of Alason Vecchie – granddog to seasonal Clam Lakers Ron and Colae Vecchie. Beans has joined us for a few Community Club meetings over the years with her favs being the Pot Luck and Bingo. Nina, fur baby to Jan Sharp and Brian Bowman, has a new fenced in enclosure that she is making good use of by digging snow tunnels throughout. This helps in routing out troublesome squirrels. Good job Nina! Trax, shop dog at the Junction and fur baby to Kim Filter also celebrated a birthday. He turned 11 on January 4th. Trax has been taking a bit of much deserved time off. He spent some quality time at home with his family and fur friends over the holidays but, will be returning to work on a part time basis soon.
CABINET WARS: I decided to start my 2020 off with a “bang”. Literally. New Year’s Day I somehow forgot that one needs to shut an upper kitchen cabinet before proceeding forward. Engaging in full on combat with a cabinet is something I, from personal experience, would not recommend. The cabinet WILL always win. And it did. So, before I knew what hit me (no pun intended) I was sporting a lovely raised egg in quite a fetching shade of lavender on my forehead along with a couple of shiners. How I avoided all the slippery wet ice all around my house for days and yet managed to have a head on collision (again no pun intended) in my very own kitchen is a mystery. Those cabinets should come with a warning! Or could it be?….I hate to say it……operator error? Hmmm…..
Until next week….”keep er’ movin”…and don’t provoke cabinets!
Pictured is Trax – shop dog at the Junction – wishing everyone a Happy New Year!