Hello Clam Lake!
THANK YOU – With tongue in cheek, I wish to extend a big thank-you to all those that bought new plows, snowblowers and other snow fighting equipment enabling us to experience the mild winter we have been so far. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
REMINDER – The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be hosting a meat raffle at Ransoms Place on Saturday January 13th running from 3:00 to 5:00. As always, the Forest Riders are a busy group, always working on ways to improve the trails and their maintenance of them. With the lack of measurable snow this year (so far!) the Forest Riders have been utilizing this time to work on projects that they didn’t have time for last year due to our record breaking snowfall. (150 inches!) This includes upgrading signing and groomer maintenance and repairs. So, time to come out and support this hard working club, have some fun and win some delicious meat in the process! As a side note – from the proceeds made from their November raffle a donation was made to the Brick House. (Remember all meats come from Rondeaus of Cable. Yum!)
THE END OF AN ERA – For all those wondering – there will be no Elk Country ATV Club Ice Fishing Contest this year. We wish to extend our thanks to the ATV Club for all their hard work over the past 15 years! – especially to Rick and Kris Guthman whom spent countless hours soliciting prizes, setting up tents and generally organizing the whole event. Thank you to all those that helped and participated over the years to make the contest the success it always was. This would be a great opportunity for another group to pick up this popular event and make it their own. Thank you!
SYMPATHIES – We extend our sympathies to the Hodgeman family on the passing of Kish (Lucretia) Hodegman. Anyone that knew Kish enjoyed her. She was always ready with a joke and a smile for all those she encountered. Although she didn’t snowmobile, she became President of the Clam Lake Forest Riders and worked tirelessly for that organization with their raffle and and annual prize give away at Deb’s Y-Go-By (now Ransoms Place). Although she didn’t snowmobile, she did enjoy going out on her ATV and would join the Elk Country ATV Club when they would have organized rides. Another passion was playing cards. Her favorites being pinochle and canasta. Many a time, there were gatherings at her home or Deb’s, where a rousing card game could be found in progress. She is survived by her husband Fred and her son Freddy. She will definitely be missed. Kish was 82.
UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT – The Elkhorn Lodge will be under new management as Lacey Hollister takes the helm of the running of this historic establishment. After she completes some much needed kitchen renovation she will be opening the business for breakfast, lunch and dinner as it was in the past. For now, she has the bar open and is making fresh homemade pizzas. We wish her success! (As a side note – The Elkhorn began it’s life as Uleck’s Tavern which was located on what was then Highway M – now White Bass Lake Road – next to the once upon a time Buffalo Lake Resort. When Highway M was redone the tavern was no longer on the main road, so owner at the time Ted Uleck, moved it into town to its present location. Ted, at one time, owned both the Buffalo Lake Resort and the tavern. I remember going into Ulecks as a child, having a burger and playing in the white pea gravel that paved the parking area. Good memories!)
Until next week…..
Pictured are the Clam Lake Forest Riders working on the groomer.