Hello Clam Lake!
The word of the day is most definitely RAIN! And more rain! This past week saw us accumulating 2.5 inches in one night! This storm included Mother Nature’s own version of a 4th of July fireworks display as the lightening went on and on. Some, such as myself, were even lucky enough to lose power for a few hours!
SPEAKING OF – I had a chance to catch up with Clam Lake’s very own weather man, Jack McGregor, who gave me a report on the accumulation of moisture so far. According to him, this past month we have gotten almost 8 inches of rain. Add that to what we’ve already gotten this calendar year has us sitting at a grand total of 17.5 inches of moisture since January 1st. Considering we were suffering from drought conditions at the end of our extremely dry winter this is good news for the forest. Although, for most of us, having a day or maybe two in a row (?) of sun and dry conditions would be most welcome.
THE 4TH ON THE 6TH – This year, Clam Lake’s 4th of July celebration will take place on Saturday July 6th at the new Clam Lake Community Center. Along with beer, soda and water there will be hot dogs, barbecues, popcorn and doughnuts for sale. As always, it promises to be quite the show and we wish to extend our thanks to all those that travel to our little village to be a part of it. We also wish to thank the members of the community who work to put this great night together. As they say, it takes a village!
BUSY TIMES – With the mention of the 4th of July we are reminded that this holiday pretty marks the halfway mark for our summer season. And it shows! The village is hopping most days with plenty of visitors enjoying the many things our various businesses have to offer as they spend time in the great Chequamegon! We thank them all for their patronage.
BOOK CLUB REMINDER – The Clam Lake Book Club will be meeting on Tuesday July 9th at Ransoms Place running from 4:30 to 5:30. The book being discussed will be “The Secret Life of Sunflowers” by Marta Molnar. As always, they invite to you to join them for some “lively discussion, camaraderie, tasty food and inspiring libation”. Food and drink will be available for purchase before, during and after the discussion.
ST. GEORGE CHAPEL – Every Saturday, during the summer season, Mass is celebrated at our historic St. George Chapel. With its simple log cabin construction, reminiscent of the late 1940’s/early 1950’s, stopping in for services is like taking a step back in time to a simpler era. We welcome all!
We hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July!!!!!!!!!
Until next week….
Pictured is Tom Biasi’s rain gauge after Monday night’s deluge.