Clam Lake News & Events

Hello Clam Lake!

I guess we have to count our lucky stars! With the rest of the country suffering with extreme heat, here we sit with all but perfect (sometimes even chilly!) summer days. Thank you Mother Nature! Maybe this is payback for the extreme winter she gave us?

ST. GEORGE – Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 6:00 pm at our historic “Chapel in the Pines” – St. George. St. George has been serving the spiritual needs of our forest community during the summer season since 1948. It is a simple log cabin structure that harkens back to a different era. Step inside and you will see hand hewn log pews made by Leonard Menke, whom ran Menke’s sawmill business which was located down Highway M off of Menke Road. Leonard learned his trade from his father Felix Menke in whose footsteps he followed. Our summer mission chapel’s slogan has always been – “No Vacation from God’s Service!” All are welcome. Come pray with us!

On Wednesday, July 26th at 10:00 am, Father Aloysius will hold a one hour Eucharistic Adoration at St. George Chapel in Clam Lake. All are welcome to attend.

FAWNS AND CALVES – I’ve heard many reports of people seeing fawns and elk calves out and about. Time to take extra care when traveling around and be on the watch for these “kids” as they explore their world – often leading them to venture out onto road ways. Also many sightings of turkeys and their young broods near the roads. Time to be on the look out!

LOON ALERT: Remember, loons are protected by state and federal laws. With loon families making their way out and about on our local lakes, boaters are asked to remain at least 150 feet away. Please respect these creatures as they attempt to raise the next generation. Thank you!

5TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY – On Saturday, July 19th, Ransoms will be hosting their 5th Anniversary party at Ransoms Place. There will be raffles and a Chinese Auction with all proceeds going to the ATV and Snowmobile Clubs. So, time to come out and support these hard working clubs!

LITTLE FREE LIBRARY – A note from Heidi Becker – “The Clam Lake Junction now has a Little Free Library. It was purchased using grants from the Little Free Library Foundation. The Little Free Library is for reading enhusiasts to take a book that they think they may enjoy, and to drop off a book that they think others might enjoy. The Clam Lake Junction graciously offered to put the Little Library on the outside of their building. (It sits right next to the Post Office.) The Little Free Library or “Red Box Library” is a nonprofit organization based in St. Paul Minnesota. Its mission is to inspire readers and expand book access for all. Clam Lake’s “Little Red Box” library began with our Post Master, Connie Schloer, whom after being questioned by a biker as to whether Clam Lake had one, thought it would be a good idea to start one. As Connie began collecting books and sharing them a grant was written and approved to make the Little Free Library a reality for Clam Lake. Please feel free to add a book and/or take a book. Books for children and teens are especially encouraged to be donated. The Little Free Library steward is Heidi Becker and if you have any questions she can be reached at “ (As a side note – To give our Little Free Library a “Clam Lake touch” it was given wooden sides with a deer antler handle along with some elk tracks on the door. We thank Heidi, Connie and the Clam Lake Junction for our new addtion. Enjoy!)

Until next week….

Pictured is Clam Lake’s Little free Library.