Hello Clam Lake!
LOTS of activity in the village with the holiday weekend. The businesses are running at full speed ahead all the time. Everyone is having a great time in vacationland.
Thankfully, we had perfect weather for our 4th on the 6th Indpendence Day celebration. The fireworks display, courtesy of Bud Rubeck, Derek Bay and Tom Biasi, were a sight to behold!!! The event was well attended becoming a meeting place for locals and our summer family of vaction home owners and tourists. Was great to see everyone again! Thanks go out to the refreshment crew of Lea and Jerry Justice, Dennis and Bonnie Booth, Jan Sharp and Brian Bowman and the Griffaw family whom manned the popcorn machine.Was a super night with everyone enjoying the show!!!
CAMPFIRE ISLAND UPDATE: The current residents of Campfire Island, a pair of bald eagles, are happy to announce they are raising a couple of fine young eaglets. From all accounts they are getting a bit braver about possibly trying their wings. If you are near the Island, take care and try not to disturb them as they mature.
I had a chance to catch up with Kay Schmidt and Janet McCloud last week while they were up for a visit. Kay is the granddaughter of Walter and Alma Stuebe and Janet is the former Janet Mathey from Mathey’s Pine Point Resort on Lower Clam. Was so wonderful to hear them reminisce about being teens in Clam Lake during the 50’s. Kay would come up to visit her grandparents and spend time with Janet and her sister Julene while here. A highlight of the trip north was going into Glidden to the roller skaing rink at Marion Park with a carload of kids staying at the resort. They both remembered trying to be first to the car, when the evening was over, so as to be the one to sit next to some youthful Adonis on the ride home. Those were the days!
I want to wish a belated Happy Birthday to Barb (Busch) Faude. Her special day was on July 2nd. Barb is the daughter of the late Clarence ( CJ ) and Evelyn Busch. Lots of wonderful memories of the Busches and Faudes over the years. Her grandfather, Julius Busch, bought land on Upper Clam connected with Louis Spray in 1927. The Buschs are one of our oldest Clam Lake families. Although they do not own land in Clam Lake anymore, they will always be here in spirit.
I saw Gary Bartholomew (our local photographer) for the first time this summer. Him and his wife, Dottie, just got up to Clam after a 4,000 plus mile jaunt visiting various scenic spots in the US. He said he would be happy not see another steering wheel for a while! We welcome them back to our Clam Lake fold.
Clam Lake had a surprise visitor on Friday – Smokey the Bear! He stopped in at the Junction to hand out goodies in celebration of his 75th birthday. A family visiting the area from Finland happened to be there at the time. Their children got a big charge out of meeting our most famous representative of the forest. Bear hugs were given all round!
PICKLE BALL: Games are held most Tuesdays at ten. If you are in doubt call Jerry Jossart, our Pickle Ball coordinator. He will gladly let you know if play is being cancelled. Otherwise come and join us and have some giggles!
CHURCH SERVICES: St. George’s, our historic, “Chapel in the Woods”, holds Mass every Saturday at 4:00 pm. Listen for the “ringing of the bell” to let people know it’s time to come worship. And yes! That’s me ringing the bell. Just call me Lynnesimodo.
UPCOMING EVENTS: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly Meeting/Pot Luck/Bingo on Thursday July 11th starting at five. Come for the Pot Luck, stay for the silly.
On July 27th, the Forest Riders Snowmobile Club will be holding a meat raffle at Ransom’s Place. All meats come from the Sixth Street market in Ashland. Come and support our local club and win something great for dinner!
AND….during the last weekend in July the Clam Lake Junction will hold their Customer Appreciation Days. What a way to top off the month!
Fun, fun and more fun!
Until next week…..have fun in the northland!

Tom Biasi, Bud Rubeck and Derek Bay – the Showmen

Stand crew: Jerry and Lea Justice, Bonnie and Dennis Booth and Jan Sharp and Brian Bowman

J. Steve Anderson III

The Vecchie family and Buzz