Hello Clam Lake!
Happy 4th of July to all! This is the height of the summer season. With that in mind please remember to Summer Safely!
ST. GEORGE”S CHAPEL: A reminder that our historic “Chapel in the Woods” is once again holding services.. We are following guidelines set down by Bishop Powers and the CDC regarding masks and social distancing to provide a safe and pleasant place to worship. Mass is celebrated on Saturdays at 6:00 pm. Take a step back in time as you enter our log cabin chapel that was made from the forest that surrounds it. Come pray with us!
FAREWELL: We bid farewell to Kendra Crom whom was our Post Master for several years. Kendra has accepted a Post Master’s position in Lac du Flambeau. We thank her for her years of service to our community and wish her well in her new endeavor. Connie Schloer from Butternut, whom was the Saturday fill in person, will now be here full time.
HELIPAD UPDATE: Work continued this week on Clam Lake’s new Helipad off of Rescue Road. Thanks to Jerry Justice, Tom Biasi and Ace Griffaw for painting the pad. It looks great!!! What’s next? First test run. Stay tuned…..
BUFFALO LAKE EAGLE UPDATE: I spoke with Tom Biasi to learn the status of the eagles that reside on Buffalo Lake. This lake has several islands named simply for their size. There is “big island”, “middle island” and “little islands” (more than one). Big island was home base for a pair of nesting eagles for many years. Unfortunately, their nest has not fared as well as their counterparts on Upper Clam Lake. Tom reported that the nest had been struck by lightening twice thus giving the pair second (or would it be third?) thoughts about rebuilding. Although they do come and perch on the island for old times sake they no longer raise a family there
I’m still hearing reports of bears bothering people’s bird feeders. Several looking out their windows have been met by black bears gazing back at them. Good idea to bring those hummer feeders in at night to eliminate temptation.. At least, until the bears have more natural food so keep them occupied.
On to the July birthday list. We wish a Happy Birthday to all those celebrating birthdays this month. They are:
July 1st – Bud Rubec and Bob Bay Jr.
July 2nd – Steve Reinders and Barb Faude
July 4th – Austin Reukema and Dan Alden
July 5th – Steve Rembos and Makala Reukema
July 7th – Brian Hulstrom, Brayden Miroslaw and Skyler Eder
July 8th – Elaine Bailey, Pat Reinders.and Brittany Fanella
July 9th – Kathy Fouks
July 18th – Brian Johnson
July 19th – John Francois
July 21st – Kevin Cornell
July 22nd – Bonnie Reukema, Tom Dezotell and Levi McFadden
July 23rd – Kish Hodgeman, Alason Vecchie and Evelyn Frasch
July 24th – Matthew Markee
July 25th – Amanda Roquemore and Bob Bailey
July 26th – Sue Eickermann and Marlene Hogue
July 27th – Abby Ward
July 29th – Julene Rein
July 30th – Scott Miller
July 31st – Tammy Hollister
Those celebrating wedding anniversarys in July are:
July 2nd – Lea and Jerry Justice
July 6th – Dave nad Julie Kronbar
July 15th – Ron and Dolores Warner
July 27th – Fred and Kish Hodgeman
We wish them all a very Happy Anniversary!
Until next week….enjoy the forest and the creatures in it.
Pictured are Tom Biasi, Jerry Justice and Ace Griffaw painting the landing pad at the Helipad.