Hello Clam Lake!
GOT MOSQUITOES? Yes!!!!!!!!! The “Wisconsin State Bird” has hatched in record numbers due to our 150+ inches of snow melting quickly as we went from winter to summer in record time. Bug spray is the cologne of choice these days as is the ever fashionable netted head gear. Quick dashes are made in and out of cars and doors to avoid inviting in guests whom are only too happy to join us as we try to drive or do anything. Hopefully, the subsequent hatching of dragon flies will help. I’ve also heard that we may have another outbreak of the dreaded tented army caterpillars this summer. Who can wait?
ST. GEORGE CHAPEL: Once again our historic “Chapel in the Pines” has opened its doors for the summer season. St. George has always been a seasonal mission church providing for the religious needs of our tourist community with locals, summer people and visitors both attending. We welcome all to take a step back in time and come experience worship in our log cabin chapel built in 1948 from the forest that surrounds it. Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 6:00 pm.
ELK UPDATE: As reported in the Wisconsin Outdoor News the Wisconsin elk herd is scheduled to hit the 500 mark after the spring calving season. 355 animals will comprise the northern herd with 160 elk in the newer southern herd. Josh Spiegel, DNR wildlife biologist in Sawyer County, told the Natural Resources Board that the key to keeping both elk populations expanding is “finding the line between long term growth which goes with with the bull-to-cow ration, and enough bulls to replace bulls lost through mortality.”The goal is to find the surplus number of bulls that allows for hunter opportunity, general recreation for people who want to see elk and herd growth. The harvest (once again 8 for the 2023 season) should maintain a ratio of 40 bulls for 100 cow elk. Spiegel said the harvest quota not only considers desires of hunters, but interest from elk observers in the Clam Lalke area. Elk were extirpated in Wisconsin in the 1880’s due to unregulated hunting. Several attempts have been made to bring the native animals back. An initial attempt in 1913 and 1917 failed by the 1950’s due, once again, to unrelulated hunting.The potential goal for the Clam Lake herd is 1,400 elk.
MEET THE NEW CAMP HOST: I had a chance last week to chat with the new Camp Host at Day Lake. This would be Lynn Plendl who comes to us from Rib Lake WI. Lynn worked for BW Paper Systems as a high voltage electronic technician and after retiring decided to give Camp Hosting a try. Before she was at Day Lake she hosted at Dead Horse Ranch in Arizona and was also a cave tour assistant at the Kartchner Cavern State Park near Tuscon. She found the cave work very interesting and is happy for the experience. When I asked her why she decided to head up north she said after visiting a friend whom had bought land she decided she’d like to be near a lake and an ATV trail. Day Lake seemed the obvious choice. She loves to kayak and was glad to find a trail leading right down to the lake on her camp site where she can moor her kayak and enjoy a paddle and some fishing. And with the trail head so near she is all set to start exploring the forest with her ATV. Accompanying Lynn is Bree, whom is a 16 year old Jack Russell terrier, whom loves squirrels so is finding her new enviorns enjoyable. Bree also likes to ride side saddle in the ATV and go for kayak outings. If you have peanut butter she is your friend for life. Both were happy to report that they had already seen an elk whom was visiting the campground. We welcome them and hope they have a great summer and thank them for serving our forest and the people that come to visit it. (As a side note: All Camp Hosts in the National Forest are volunteers and are not paid for their services. We say thank you!)
Until next week…..
Pictured is Lynn Plendl and Bree enjoying a kayak ride.