Clam Lake News & Events

Happy Monday Readers!

It sure turned out to be a beautiful day even though we couldn’t see the distant shore of Lower Clam Lake this morning as it was snowing that hard for about 30 minutes..Now it’s 41 degrees and worries Tuesday, 46..Wednesday, 50..and Thursday,40’s..not bad for early Spring..

The April Potluck Dinner/Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 12 at 5pm..Meeting starts at 5pm sharp!

We would all like to send our Thoughts and Prayers to the Family and many,many Friends of Tweety Bay.. Tweety will be remember by many for so many reasons.. for me, it’s her laughter and her smile…

As we watch the snow slowly and slowly melt as we can’t wait to see what messes we have to clean up left from the winter debris..I’m just waiting for my flowers to break ground..I know that will be the end of June..

Until next time…Be Kind!