Hello Clam Lake!
We have had mainly a week of warmer weather with sunny skies. We did have a couple evenings where it dipped down but, rebounded quickly. Wonder if this will be the last we see of below zero this year? One can hope. After all of our snow earlier in the winter, February played out as a very dry month.
Last week we learned of the passing of Bob Schmidt. I came to know Bob and Karen Schmidt when they bought the Walter and Alma Stuebe property situated on Upper Clam Lake circa 1970’s. Until they retired and moved north permanently, they stayed in the modest Stuebe home during their visits north. Upon retirement they built a larger home on the property, maintaining the Stuebe home as a guest house.They valued the unique place they had and kept all the outbuildings from the Stuebe farm in tip top shape just as it was when Walter and Alma lived there. Going over there was a bit like walking back in time. It was a “walk” I enjoyed. Both Bob and Karen were active in Community affairs – always willing to help with whatever needed doing at the various Community Club functions. And as we all know if there was one thing Bob loved it was gardening! I can still taste the fresh potatoes and asparagus that he would share out of his garden. Amazing! I was told on the day he passed he had been out planting tomatoes beforehand. Doing what he loved doing. He was a kind and gentle man and will be missed. Bob was 81.(As a side note: A few years ago they sold their place in Clam and moved to Arizona. Chuck and Beth Allison own the property now.)
RECAP: Cheryl Miller called to pass along that their daughter Rachel, from Kentucky, participated in Birkenbeiner 2020. This has been a dream of Rachael’s to celebrate her 50th birthday. Remember they don’t have snow in Kentucky so she only had two hours of training going into the 50 K race. Cheryl said it was a busy week with 10 people coming to stay to watch Rachel achieve her goal. Which she did! Congrats to her!
UPCOMING EVENTS:The World’s Longest Weenie Roast, held at Lakewoods Resort, will take place over the weekend of March 6th. This event holds the record for the longest line of hot dog cookers over one fire in the world. The proceeds raised from the Roast go to benefit The Great Divide Ambulance Service, the Namakagon Volunteer Fire Department and other area charities. Is a day of races and snow fun!
The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting/Pot Luck/Bingo Thursday March 12th starting at five. Ace is back in town so the Bingo wheel will be rollin’. Come for the Pot Luck, stay for the fun!
MEAT RAFFLE: On Saturday, March 7th the Forest Riders Snowmobile Club will be holding their last meat raffle of the season at Ransom’s Place. This event runs from three to five and features meats from the Sixth Street Market in Ashland. So, come have a good time, support a good cause and win some delicious meat into the bargain. Hope to see you there!
ST. PATRICK’S DAY: Beth Allison, our resident fiddler and keeper of all things Celtic, sent me a list of the dates she will be playing at various businesses in the area to help these establishments celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. There is no charge for any of these events with each venue serving special food and drink in honor of the Irish holiday. Here are the dates and times:
Saturday, March 14th – 5:00 – 7:00 pm at The Farmstead Creamery on Fullington Road, near Hayward.
Sunday March 15th – 1:00 – 3:00 pm at TNT in Hayward
Tuesday March 17th – 5:00 – 8:00 pm at The Sawmill Saloon in Seeley
Remember the sessions are open to all musicians. So, if you are looking for some good Irish fun and some wearin’ of the Green, these places sound like the place to be!
Until next week….keep ‘er movin’…..
Pictured is Bob Schmidt