Hello Clam Lake!
Um….winter? You do know it’s May, don’t you? We all know spring has been trying to gain a foot hold and was being a bit successful – then along you came with a fresh coating of white snow. We know it won’t last long but, you really need to let spring have her time. There’ll be other years…..
Most of the local businesses have been partially or completely shuttered for the month of April. They use this time to do cleaning and upgrades. As we enter May most will be going full bore again. After this brief respite, everyone will be geared up for another busy tourist season.
SPEAKING OF – Good luck to all those anglers heading out onto the lakes for the upcoming fishing opener. And so it begins…..
CAMP FIRE ISLAND EAGLE UPDATE: After facing the loss of their nest on Camp Fire Island, due to their tree breaking and plunging their old nest into the lake, the resilient eagles decided to rebuild. And rebuild they have! After a lot of hard work collecting those just right branches and twigs they have moved in and can be seen sitting in their, quite spacious, nest. This new nest seems much deeper than their old one with plenty of room for a growing family. Rick Hinchcliff, whom keeps a close eye on them, tells me he has seen two little heads popping up for feeding. We congratulate them on their new home and young family. We are glad they are back and doing well!
COMMUNITY CLUB REBUILD UPDATE: On Wednesday, April 26th the officers of the Clam Lake Community Club held a public meeting for all interested parties at the Chippewa Outpost to discuss the rebuilding of the Clam Lake Community Club/Center. We wish to thank Lyn Hartl for allowing us to use the Outpost for this meeting. This was a well attended meeting with a cross section of community members represented. The acting building committee of Bud Rubeck, Jerry Justice and Ace Griffaw presented tentative plans that have been drawn up for the new building. Copies were passed out to all those present. A vote was taken with a majority agreeing to the plans. The building will be placed further away from the Fire Hall to allow people and vehicles to pass between the two buildings. A run down of the insurance money received and the insurance process were discussed. The new building will have a bathroom so there won’t be a need to use the Fire Hall bathroom aside from the 4th of July. Two more people were asked to be on the Building Committee. Richard Reukema and Crystal Carter volunteered and were accepted. The building committee will consist of Bud Rubeck, Jerry Justice, Ace Griffaw, Richard Reukema and Crystal Carter. We wish to thank the people, tradesmen and businesses that have volunteered help as we move forward with this new and exciting chapter in Clam Lake’s history! As always, we are the “Little Village that Could!” (Remember – all Community Club minutes, including this last meeting and the special director’s meeting, can be read at www.clamlakewi.com under News and Events.)
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in May a very happy day! They are:
May 11th – Justin Gerhardt
May 12th – Tiffany Eickermann
May 13th – Meghan Keany
May 16th – Jenny Gapen
May 19th – Lacey Hollister and Jacob Miroslaw
May 21st – Pam Stowell and Nilu Eder
May 28th – Carol Kriescher
May 31st – Don Castro (turning 84 years young!)
Anniversary Wishes go out those couples celebrating wedding anniversaries in May. They are:
May 1st – Mike and Katie Anderson
May 28th – Ron and Colae Vecchie
Until next week…..
Pictured is an eagle sitting in their newly constructed home on Camp Fire Island. (Photo courtesy of Jan Sharp.)