Hello Clam Lake!
A week ago Saturday we had temps nearing 80 degrees – by the following Friday I saw a few stray snowflakes floating around. And so it goes with Mother Nature not quite sure which direction she wants to go. The forest is definitely on the dry side so some rain would be welcome. But, no snow thank you.
REMINDER: The West Fork Waterway Association will be holding their Board of Directors meeting at he Clam Lake Community Club on Saturday, May 15th at 9:00 am. The West Fork Waterway is on the West Fork of the Chippewa River and includes the area from the Day Lake Dam to the Highway 77 Dam. The WFWA, a 501.c organization, assists the Township of Gordon with funding expenses related to the maintenance of the Highway 77 Dam. Members and the public are welcome to attend. If you do attend, please continue to follow recommendations for social distancing and masking based on current county regulations. Thank you for that! If you would prefer to attend via conference call that option is available. Contact one of the directors for more information regarding that. Their info can be found on www.clamlakewi.com
ELK FEST 2021: A confirmed date of Saturday, September 25th has been set for Clam Lake’s first Elk Festival. With Clam Lake’s distinction of being the Elk Capital of Wisconsin, this promises to be a great event with something for everyone. Stay tuned for future updates as more information becomes available.
ELK TRICKS – A PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE FROM THE BIRDS: It seems the new elk, from the Flambeau, have learned a few tricks now that they are familiarizing themselves with the area. It has been noted that if hanging bird feeders are low enough they will gently tap them with their heads causing the feeders to drop spilling out contents. As the disgruntled birds look on, the elk proceed to enjoy a tasty snack. A word to the wise – place those feeders high! Possibly the elk have been watching the bears whom have a reputation for similar, if not as gentle, behavior.
SPEAKING OF….ANNUAL BEAR MIGRATION UNDERWAY: Once again the Game Wardens are out and about pulling nuisance bear traps behind their vehicles. I encountered one at the Junction one morning hoping to see the offending occupant but, was told the critter had already been sent on it’s way to new lodgings. Often times these bears will make their way back to where they were or end up getting into trouble in their new locations. Hence begins a summer of bears riding from here to there and back again all the while humming “On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again….”
THE WAYS OF THE SANDHILL CRANE: I’m sure many of you have seen these long legged birds as they meander around the forest. Leads one to ask….what’s their story? Welllll…..Sandhill cranes live 20 to 40 years and mate for life. Once united, the happy couple begin housekeeping by making a nest of piled grasses which can reach up to 5 foot. When the home is complete, the female will then lay one or two eggs in the nest. Parenting is a shared activity with both mother and father incubating the eggs. The chicks are born 30 days later, usually in Mid-May in Wisconsin. The young, although ready to leave the nest and swim, if necessary, just 8 hours after hatching, prefer to stay with mom and dad up to 10 months after being born. Then, it’s quite literally, “empty nest” time for Mr. and Mrs. Crane.
Until next week….
Pictured is a photo taken of a crane family by Kim Schiel.