Hello Clam Lake!
Weather? In a word – COLD!!!!
ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL: The summer services at St. George’s Chapel will begin on Saturday, May 28th at 6:00 pm. Take a step back in time to a simpler era in our historic log cabin “Chapel in the Pines” – made from the forest that surrounds it. It features half log pews with stripling log back rests. Built in 1948, it is truly a testament to it’s time. Come pray with us!
MEETING RECAP: The WFWA (West Fork Waterway Association) held its Board of Directors meeting on Saturday May 21st at the Clam Lake Community Club. All board members were present. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the WFWA with three of the board members having been officers since it’s onset in 2012. At this time the WFWA needs more member participation to ensure the future of the organization. On that note – discussion was held pertaining to the dissolution of the WFWA. This will be an ongoing topic at the 2022 Membership meeting slated for June 18th.
MEETING REMINDER: On Thursday, June 9th beginning at 5:00 pm the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo. See you there!
“SAVE THE DATE” REMINDER: The 27th Annual Cleansweeps Collection Program will take place in Ashland County on Wednesday June 22nd at the Northwood Technical College in the south parking lot at 2100 Beaser Ave from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Toxic and hazardous products will be accepted as will controlled medications and prescriptions and over the counter medications. We’ll trade you “Drugs for Donuts” if you bring in your unwanted medications. What a great idea!
WHIPPOORWILL TIME: For the past 44 years I have had the pleasure of summer nightly visits paid by a very vocal bird – the whippoorwill (Antrostomus Vociferous). My boy arrives at dusk and dawn to let all other whippoorwills know that this is HIS area. Here’s some interesting facts about these members of the nightjar family. They can produce up to 1,088 calls in a row. (Whew!) The females lay 2 eggs on leaf litter, bare ground or decaying logs. Eggs hatch 10 to 21 days later – 10 days before the full moon. Laying of eggs is synchronized with the lunar cycle so that parents can hunt all night collecting large amounts of food during the full moon. Both parents take care of their chicks. When they detect predators, parents use their feet to shove nestlings aside where the chicks roll upside down and remain hidden in the leaf litter. Whippoorwills have forward facing whiskers that are used for detecting prey (insects) in the dark. Males sing at night to defend territory and to attract a mate.
Time to wish all those celebrating birthdays in June a very Happy Day! They are:
June 1st – Miles Eder
June 3rd – Steve Landis
June 4th – Rick Guthman
June 7th – Chad Heer
June 9th – Noah Hulstrom
June 10th – David Goff and Rana Schier
June 11th – Mary Ann Reinders – 93 years young!!!!
June 12th – Ray Mathey
June 14th – David Holter
June 15th – Laurie Reil, Rhica Hogue and Richard Meindel
June 16th – Taryn Eickermann
June 18th – Jasmyn Alma Eder – celebrating her first birthday!
June 19th – Cheri Cornell and Dylan Eickermann
June 23rd – Bev Vadnais
June 24th – Tammy Ludwig
June 25th – Jill (Eder) Markee and Noah Melcher
June 27th – Jackie (Eder) Fiecke and Stephanie Tetzlaff
June 29th – Ralph Cornell and Adam Heer
Those celebrating wedding anniversaries in June are:
June 7th – Rick and Kris Guthman
June 9th – Jill and Scott Markee
June 17th – Connie and Bill Schloer
June 23rd – Janet and Clint McCloud
We hope they have a wonderful time celebrating their special day!
Happy Memorial Day to one and all! We wish to thank all those that have served!!
Until next week…..
Pictured is a whippoorwill.