Hello Clam Lake!
CHEQUAMEGON STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN 2022 ELK CALF SEARCH: On Wednesday May 25th students from the Chequamegon High School Charter School participated in this year’s elk calf search. The students were taken out into the forest to search for newborns by Laine Stowell (retired elk biologist) and Sarah Looman (assistant to the current elk biologist Josh Spiegel). No calves were found but the students were given an opportunity to learn about the forest, elk and the ongoing elk research taking place . We express our thanks to them for participating!! Good job!
CONGATULATIONS: Congratulations go out to Shawn Dunlavy whom is this year’s recipient of the Clam Lake Community Scholarship. Shawn is the son of Mike and Krystel Dunlavy of Glidden. Shawn will be attending Michigan Tech where he will be working on a degree in engineering.
“A SIGN OF THE TIMES” CHARGIN’ UP– Tuesday, May 24th saw the first use of the Electric Vehicle (EV) charger at the Clam Lake Juntion. The charger is a partnership between the Clam Lake Junction, Bayfield Electric, Dairyland Power and Zef Energy. Onward and upward!!!!
SYMPATHIES go out to the family of Joy (Stuebe) Heinlein on the loss of husband and father Len Heinlein. Len and Joy spent a lot of time in Clam Lake over the years near Joy’s childood home on Upper Clam. Len was an avid outdoorsman that enjoyed his time in the northwoods. Len was 88.
MEETING REMINDER: The Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting Thursday, June 9th beginning at 5:00 pm. The short meeting will be followed by a Pot Luck and some Clam Lake Style Bingo! See you there!
ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL: Mass is said every Saturday at 6:00 pm at St. George’s Chapel. Come take a step back in time to a simpler era in our historic log cabin chapel made from the forest that surrounds it. Come pray with us!
SAVE THE DATE REMINDER: Ashland County will be holding their 27th annual Cleansweeps Program on Wednesday, June 22nd at the Northwood Technical College in the south parking lot at 2100 Beaser Ave from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Toxic and hazardous products will be accepted as will medications and prescription drugs. They will trade you “Drugs for Donuts”. Sounds like a deal to me!
WFWA MEMBERSHIP MEETING – The West Fork Waterway Association will be holding their annual membership meeting at the Clam Lake Community Club on Saturday June 10th beginning at 10:00 am. A possible topic of discussion could be the sun-setting (dissolution) of the WFWA. If you care about the future of the dam and waterway, this is the meeting to attend.
CAUTION – BEARS: June is typically the month when bears, not having much natural food available, are on the look out for tasty snacks such as hummingbird feeders or a misplaced trash can (if they’re lucky). I think most of us have had, at one time or another, bears destroy hummer feeders in their pursuit of a few lowly ounces of sugar water. In retrospect, it hardly seems worth the effort on their part. Time for us to be aware and bring in those feeders at night so as not to attract these late night marauders. They’ll get the hint and move on.
HISTORY MOMENT: Taken from the the June 4th 1937 edition of the Glidden Enterprise. “Drowns in Clam Lake – Ralph Miller, age 16, who came to Camp Fire Island at Clam Lake for a short visit with the Louis Hansen family, proprietors of that resort, was drowned Saturday afternoon. The young man came to his tragic death when he suffered a stroke of epilepsy and fell from the canoe in which he and the Hansen boy had taken for a pleasure trip about the lake. When about thirty feet off the north shore of the island the Miller boy suffered a stroke, fell from the end of the canoe and in doing so upset the craft throwing Hanson into the water. Hanson made every effort possible to save his companion and then swam to shore to notify others of the accident. Authorities were notified and the Ashland Fire department’s inhalator was rushed to the scene, but it could not be used until the body was recovered. Immediately after the drowning Clam Lake people together with about 50 enrollees from CCC Camp Clam Lake commenced dragging the lake. The body was recovered about (smudged) hours later in about 25 feet of water. The watch worn by the boy had stopped at 2:10, the time of the accident. The body was removed and was taken on Sunday to Racine, the family home.”
Until next week….
Pictured are the students from the Chequamegon Charter School participating in the 2022 elk calf search. Also pictured are the Veterans holding their annual Memorial Day service at the Clam Lake Cemetery. (Elk Calf Search photos shared by Elk Biologist Josh Spiegel.)