Hello Clam Lake!
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Living in the mighty Chequamegon we realize we have so much to be thankful for with the glories of nature surrounding us each day.
MILD WEATHER – Wow! What a treat this past week was with temps in the 50’s with sunny skies. Some even hit the 60 degree mark. Nice! We know this won’t last this time of year so it’s always a pleasure to have a few snow and frost free days before winter settles in for good. Hard to believe just a few short weeks ago we had 6 inches of snow on the ground. Of course, by the end of the week, it was back to reality as the days became more seasonable – which, I’m sure, the hunters were thankful for. But, we’ll take our wins when we can.
HOLIDAY DECORATING – A group of Clam Lakers decided to take advantage of the mild weather this past week to decorate our little Park for Christmas. What a great time to do it! I stopped by as they were working on the project and it looked like it was shaping up to be a very welcoming and cheerful sight to behold. I’m sure people passing through our little village during the holiday season will really enjoy it. We wish to thank those that took time out of their day to come and participate. They are – Master Decorator Chuck Zwicker (Chuck oversees the decorating at Garmisch Resort), Teri Steffen whom spear-headed the project, Kim and Tammy Pederson, Ace Griffaw and Joe Steffen. Thank you all! It looks great!!!
DREAM HUNT – THE 30 POINTER – Back in 1980, David Sprangers (Stretch) of Lake Five, started out his opening day of deer season much like any other. Imagine his surprise when hunting in northern Sawyer County he spotted what was to be the buck of a lifetime. He took a shot and was able to take down the 27 point buck. It was the first buck he had ever shot. It became the highest scoring whitetail in the Burnett-Washburn-Sawyer County area taken that year. It weighed in at 174 lbs with a Boone and Crockett score of 238 and 5/8 and was thought to be 13 years old. I have had the pleasure of seeing this mount when he brought it into the Clam Lake Junction several years back. Impressive is the only word for it! Of course, this led me to wonder the why of such unusual antler growth. Speaking with Josh Spiegel, our resident wildlife biologist, I learned that abnormal antler growth is manily due to genetics but, can also happen due to other conditions such as excess/additional minerals and nutrients taken in during the velvet stage. It can also be the result of a mild winter when all the deer’s energy is going to the antlers. Dave did say that others with dropped tines have been seen in the area where he shot his buck so the gene causing the abnormality to occur seems to have been passed down. Even 43 years later we congratulate him on a very successful hunt and for being in the right place at the right time. Congrats!
Until next week…..
Pictured is David Sprangers with his 27 point buck.
Also pictured is the crew decorating the Park. L to R – Kim Pederson, Teri Steffen, Tammy Pederson, Ace Griffaw, Chuck Zwicker and Joe Steffen.