Hello Clam Lake!
Our weather started out on the chilly side with night time lows in the single digits but, is slowing rebounding to more seasonable temps and conditions. Thank you Mother Nature!! We’ll take it!!!
REMINDER – FREE COVID-19 TESTING is held every Wednesday at the Winter Fire Hall from nine to one. This is a drive or walk thru testing site. Testing is done on a first come, first served basis, although one can preregister. This is available for anyone over the age of five. With covid on the rise in our area communities please do what you can to protect yourself and your neighbors. Thank you!
GET WELL WISHES go out to Bob Bay who was injured while working in the woods. Our thoughts and prayers go out to him as we wish him a speedy recovery.
GENTLE GIANT: You may have noticed that Connie, our Post Master, has an assistant working at the Post Office with her. This is Max, her nine year old St. Bernard/Huskie mix. Being a senior pup, yet not quite ready for retirement, Max has decided to accompany Connie out to Clam Lake to assist in whatever way he can. Going out to help retrieve the mail from the outside box is one of Max’ favorite duties. He also lends a hand by visiting with his fellow canines when they come to the Post Office. Max is a gentle giant whom is very friendly. So, make sure to say “hi” if you happen to stop in. Thank you Max for your service to our community!
PELICAN RESCUE: I had a chance to speak with Jean Hansen, from the Namakagon area, that reported having seen a brown pelican walking haphazardly down Dam Road near where she lives. Sensing that the pelican was sick or injured, Jean decided to play Good Samaritan and scooped it up. The pelican, seeming happy for the help, did not put up much resistance. With a blanket wrapped snugly around the bird in her back seat, she drove it all the way to the Catkins Animal Rescue in Fifield where it will be put into rehab until it is deemed able to return to the wild. Although not common to our area, pelicans will sometimes appear around the Namakagon area as they make their way south. Thanks go out to Jean for helping this avian “visitor”.
HISTORY MOMENT: A recap of the October 30th Halloween Party held at the Clam Lake Community Club was presented at the November 1998 meeting. “The Clam Lake Community Club hosted it’s annual Halloween Party with 50 people attending – 37 of whom were children. We started off the evening with a game of musical chairs for the girls and a game of hot potato for the boys. Jill Eder took charge of these events. Next, Kathy Kazekewicz led the children in an apple dunking contest followed by the Great Pumpkin Beanbag Toss hosted by Jane Eder and Lynne Rice. After several other games were played every child was called up to receive a prize for their costume and treats to take home. Thanks go out to the generosity of the people of Clam Lake for making this party a much looked forward to event for our children.” Those were the days! Fun times!
WELCOME! We wish to extend a hearty Clam Lake welcome to the new owners of the Clam Lake Junction – Lyn and Wendy Hartl of Medford Wisconsin. Mr. Hartl founded and ran WTS Paradigm – a computer software company. He sold the company in 2014 with intentions of retiring but, decided instead to embark on a new business adventure when the sale of the Clam Lake Junction presented itself. When I asked him why he wanted to come out of retirement he said he “loves business!” Both Lyn and his wife see the Junction as a new adventure with many plans to expand on the existing business. It is projected that next summer diesel fuel will go in along with new pump dispensers that will be adaptable to payment by swiping phones. Hot food will also be added. A rebuilt webpage will get underway with an online store being made available. Plans to put up new advertising signage on Highway 77 are also being worked on. Although not directly familiar with Clam Lake proper Lyn’s family has owned a place on English Lake since he was a young child and they continue to have a home on that lake. Their daughter Paige will be moving up full time to work at the Junction as they transition over. Lyn has promised the same level of service that we have all come to know and expect of the Clam Lake Junction over the years. Although there will be improvements, the business will remain basically the same. We wish them success in this new endeavor! Welcome! Welcome!
Until next week….enjoy the warm up!!!
Pictured is examples of the new signs put up at the Clam Lake Junction. Lookin’ good!