Hello Clam Lake!
Happy Veterans Day to all those that have served. Thank you for your service and sacrifice!
Wow! The week got off to a very wintry start. Suddenly we went from beautiful fall leaves and mild temps to 6 inches of snow and temps below 20. Snow shovels and winter boots were, once again, the order of the day by Halloween. Thankfully, things began to improve by the end of the week with melt going on and temps rising.
MEAT RAFFLE – The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be hosting a meat raffle on Saturday, November 11th running from 3:00 to 5:00 at Ransoms Place. There will be 6 rounds with 3 packages given out per round. As a bonus Zac and Nancy Ransom donate a free drink ticket per round. How nice! Sounds like time to come out and support this worthwhile club and all they do to make our snowmobile season the success that it is and have a good time in the process! Remember all meats come from Rondeaus of Cable. Good stuff!
ATV CLUB DONATIONS – Once again, the Elk Country ATV Club have decided to “Pay It Forward” by donating to various organizations in the area. This year’s donation was split three ways with $4,000 going to the Clam Lake Community Club to be used towards the rebuild of our Community Center, $2,000 to the Glidden Area Ambulance Service and $1,000 to the Brick House food pantry. This Club has been especially generous over the years and we thank them immensely for all that they have contributed to the communities. Their hearts are definitely in the right place as they help these organizations that benefit all. Thank you! Thank you!
HISTORY MOMENT – During the years of the CCC (1933 – 1942) a newsletter called Northern Light was published. The newsletters documented social life and recreational activities at the camps, plus little jokes and things of interest for the men to read while at the camps. Here are some samplings from a Northern Life of the fall of 1935 offered up by Camp Clam Lake. “The mess hall will be getting its face lifted . The roof has been newly repaired and the mess tables are being resanded and varnished. The Clam Lake and Moose River (Camp Glidden) Football team won their first game by defeating Park Falls by a score of 14 to 0. Some team we have! The football team is giving a dance in Glidden this coming Friday night. It promises to be a gala event. Barracks 5 has been partitioned off for a reading room and class room. From now on the fellows will be spending their evenings in there instead of the recreation hall where it was getting too noisy for reading. Now that we have the books available, a German class has been started which will be taught by one of the Foresters. As soon as we get the books, a class will be started in Spanish as well. Our drawing and typing classes are showing an increase in attendance, now that the cold weather is here. We expect to have a full program by the time the new fellows are here.” The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) was a time remembered fondly by many. As part of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal during the Depression years, they helped with many projects including the reseeding of our great forest that had been decimated during the logging era. Plus, the program helped families in need by sending most of the men’s wages home. Were referred to as “FDR’s Army of the Forest” and they were!
Until next week….
Pictured are donations being made by the Elk Country ATV Club officers to the Clam Lake Community Club officers and members (EMTs and EMRs) of the Glidden Area Ambulance Service.
Community Club photo – l to r – Julie Rubeck, Ace Griffaw, Bud Rubeck, Rick Guthman, Terry and Patty Tarras and Lynne Rice.
Ambulance Photo – l to r – John Kaliska, Brent and Casey Richardson, Makala Reukema, Rick Guthman and Terry and Patty Tarras.