Hello Clam Lake!
We’ve had some nice sunny days mixed with rainy, stormy ones. Good to know that the forest is getting enough moisture thus reducing the fire danger. The wild roses are blooming as are the daisies. Such a beautiful time of year!
REMINDER: The Elk Country ATV Club will be hosting a day ride on Saturday June 27th. Anyone interested in participating should be at the Elkhorn by 9:00 am. People are encouraged to bring snacks. The Club will be riding to Drummond and should be back around five or earlier. Along the way they will be stopping for lunch. Sounds like a good way to get out and enjoy a day in the forest!
ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL: Mass is once again being said at our historic “Chapel in the Woods”. We are following guidelines set down by Bishop Powers and the CDC regarding social distancing and masks to provide a safe and enjoyable place to worship. Thanks to all that have readied our Chapel to make sure these guidelines are being met.. Come enjoy Mass in our log cabin church made from the forest that surrounds it. Mass is celebrated Saturday evenings at 6:00 pm. Come pray with us!
GET WELL WISHES AND PRAYERS go out to Ron Vecchie as he recuperates from surgery. The Vecchie family have been a part of our Clam Lake family since the 1950’s with Ron representing the third generation of his family to come to Clam Lake. They have become a much beloved part of our community over the years and we wish him well. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
RECAP: The West Fork Waterway Association held their Annual Meeting on Saturday June 20th via teleconference. The idea of a public canoe landing on the Waterway was discussed. This idea is still in the exploratory stages. Thanks went out to retiring President and charter member, Mike Collins, who did much to get the WFWA initiated. A welcome was extended to incoming President Chris Frasch. Thanks go out to all for keeping this historic waterway intact.
Hilary Markin, US Forest Service Public Affairs Officer and Director of the Great Lakes Visitor Center, sent word that as of June 19th , along with Day Lake, East Twin Lake and Black Lake, the popular Stockfarm Bridge Campground has been reopened to the public. She sent a reminder that, due to construction, the Namakagon Lake Recreation Areas remain closed.
HISTORY MOMENT: From the Glidden Enterprise dated June 1919:”George (Chip) Taylor has gone to Clam Lake for several weeks.” From things written in Howard Scotford’s journal George was going out to help with the running of Camp Fire Island Camp (Clam Lake’s first resort) as the summer season bacame busy. Howard Scotford’s wife, Hazel, was George’s sister. His transport from Glidden to Clam Lake would have been horse and wagon.
RABBITS AND TURTLES: Both of these creatures seem to be in abundance this year. I think I have had four or five turtle mamas in my yard over the past week. There have been both large snappers and small mud turtles. Each one looking for that perfect place to lay their eggs. If nothing disturbs their nests I should have a bumper crop of young turtles come Fall. I have also had a rabbit hopping around with others reporting they have families of them living near their homes. Rabbits seem to run in cycles with this being their year!
Until next week…..enjoy the beauty of the forest and the creatures in it!
Pictured is retiring West Fork Waterway Association President Mike Collins.