Hello Clam Lake!
Well, after a few drizzles and a bit of frost early in the week, Friday dawned as a perfect Fall day with sunshine and temps hovering in the upper 60’s. More was to follow over the rest of the weekend. Think many were out taking advantage of the gorgeous weather to get out and enjoy the forest in all it’s Fall glory. Great to see!
MEETING REMINDER: On Thursday, October 13th the Clam Lake Community Club will be holding their monthly meeting starting at 5:00 pm. After the short meeting there will be a Pot luck followed by some Clam Lake Style Bingo led by Master Bingo Caller Ace Griffaw. Hope to see you there!
MEAT RAFFLE: On Saturday, October 8th the Clam Lake Forest Riders will be holding a meat raffle at Ransoms Place from 3:00 to 5:00. Time to come out and support this hard working club and win some delicious meat from Rondeaus of Cable into the bargain. Sounds like a good deal to me!! (As a side note: I received a notification from the Forest Riders Club president, Brenda Brueske Kolve, that said, “This year we are planning on being responsible for all the trails in the Clam Lake area which is huge for a small Club like ours. In the past we only to maintain 9a.” All the more reason to come out and support this group!! Good job Forest Riders!)
EAGLE EYE: Rick Hinchcliff has been keeping an eye on the Camp Fire Island eagles whom lost their home of many years when the dead tree that housed their nest broke off and fell into the water. According to Rick, they are in the process of building a new home in a live pine tree on the island. FYI – “Eagle nests are typically made in an area just below the crown, about ¾ of the way up a tree. Assorted interwoven sticks up to one inch in diameter make up the bulk of the nest. It is then lined with soft grasses, moss or other fine materials. Nests can take months to complete and are added to each year.” We wish them well as they begin the arduous task of rebuilding. Good news!
HISTORY MOMENT – SUMMER HOME DEVELOPMENT AT CLAM LAKE: Taken from an October of 1945 edition of the Glidden Enterpise – “ Seven summer cabins of log construction with possible other structures, have been commenced at Lower Clam Lake by Floyd Honeyager, formerly of West Allis. The site of the development is just east of the Chippewa river where it leaves Lower Clam Lake. The cabins will be built along the lake shore and the river property south from the road on that side of the river will be put in shape for sale. There are seven lots in the block. At present, work on the cabins is just commencing. Mr. Honeyager is making his own cement block foundation and basement material right on the site, and spruce timbers for the buildings are being prepared for the buildings. When completed the new buildings will make quite an addition to the Clam Lake community, and they will doubtless meet with ready sale, insuring more summer residents there. Mr. Honeyager was engaged in the dairying business in West Allis before transferring his business activities to Clam Lake.” The cabins that Mr. Honeyager built would become what was known as Tall Trees Resort which was run by the Les and Elaine Dykstra and Harry Grapentheim families. (Mrs. Grapentheim was a sister to Les Dykstra.) All came from Illinois. Eventually all the cabins were sold off individually to private land owners along with the tavern.
Until next week……
Pictured is one of the Camp Fire Island eagles displaying their work (so far) on their island home. (Photo courtesy of Jan Sharp.)