Hello Clam Lake!
Weather? In a word – Brrrr! We went from 85 degree days to mornings barely above freezing this past week. From all reports, the return of (much) warmer weather is headed our way. Good news! Tis summer after all……
SONG OF THE SUMMER FOR 2023 – “THE MOSQUITOE CLUB” – “Who’s the leader of the forest that’s made for you and me? MOS-QUI-TOES! Hey there! Hi there! Ho there! You’re as welcome as can be! MOS-QUI-TOES!
You know it’s never time to say good-bye to all our company. M -O -S- Yes! Bite you real soon! Q – U – I – why? Because we like you! T – O – E – S!” (Sadly, it did not make the Top Ten.)
ST. GEORGE: Remember our historic “Chapel in the Pines” is open once again for the summer season. Mass is celebrated every Saturday at 6:00 pm and all are welcome. Come take a step back in time to a simpler era in our log cabin chapel made from the forest that surrounds it. Come pray with us!
MEAT RAFFLE: A note from Gail McDonnell – “The Clam Lake Forest Riders will be having ONE meat raffle this summer and it will be on Saturday, July 1st at Ransom’s Place running from 3:00 to 5:00.” Time to come out and support this hard working club, win some delicious meat from Rondeaus in Cable and have some fun in the process.
MARK THOSE CALENDARS – 4th ON THE 1st – Clam Lake’s yearly July 4th of July celebration will take place Saturday, July 1st on the Clam Lake Community Center grounds. Despite the loss of our Community building the celebration will go forward as in past years with fireworks, food and fun. Hope to see you there!
ELK CALVING UPDATE – THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN: I had a chance to speak with Josh Spiegel, Wildlife/Elk Biologist on the status of the 2023 elk calving season. He related that although there were some concerns about the effect our severe winter would have on the new calf growth, those early worries appear to be unfounded. Now, due to the snow melting rapidly, all indications are pointing towards a successful calving season with the elk team noticing a lot of cow activity which means they are isolating themselves as they prepare or have given birth. Good news!
HISTORY MOMENT: Taken from a June 1951 edition of the Glidden Enterprise: “Square Dance in Clam Lake – Saturday, June 30th, there will be another big Square Dance at the Clam Lake Community hall. Music for the occasion will be provided by the Severson-Adler two piece orchestra from Eau Claire, WI. Harry Snyder, as usual, will do the calling for the square dances, but there will be a fine selection of other dance pieces mixed in for the evening’s entertainment. There will be no admission charged, and everyone is urged to come and join in on the fun. Pot luck lunch will be served.” (Square dancing was a popular hobby during the 1950’s with many area towns hosting dances. The Clam Lake Square Dances are a fondly remembered event.)
Until next week…..
Pictured is a cow and her new calf of 2023 going for a walk as it begins its life in the mighty Chequamegon. (Photo courtesy of Makala Reukema.)